
Picto Filmo in Addons


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1.7 for Blender4.2 released

Dont forget to enable Cell Fracture addon or extension before using Fracture Iterator.

1.6 for Blender4

1.5.1 update (up to blender3.6)

- some debug

1.5 update!

Fracture-Iterator has been developed to help fracture simulation process. This addon let you control what part is breaking and when, all in a recursive process until you are satisfied. Simple to use.

What does it do?

-Break things with help of Blender internal Cell Fracture addon launched from the 1srt button.

-Enable dynamics on the fragments at the current frame, but keep previous dynamic ahead.

New in v1.2 :

-Break by loose parts. You can now precut your object so it break the way you want.

- Rigid Body "Animated" Keyframe trigger for selected objects. You can decide when your rigid bodies are enable in one clic.

New in v1.3 :

- Simplified workflow with preset modes

- New layout

- Unify texture option space for perfect use of Generated UV mapping

New in v1.31 :

2.83 crash fixed

New in v1.32 :

- New location : you can now found the addon in FRACTURE tab along with our other existing and incoming products


-Enhance dynamics animations with iterative process

-Control breaking time and modify it all along the process

-Keep things dynamics all along

-Ability to bake everything to keyframe 


Now works for 2.9 and 2.8 ! 

Scenes no need the addon installed to be opened . The addon is just necessary at animation time.

Upcoming features:

-Ability to break things with another tool than Cell Fracture (Done!)

tutorial 1:

tutorial 2:

Quick tip#1:

tutorial 3:

tutorial 4:


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Sales 1000+
8 ratings
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License GPL
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dynamics rigid body physics dynamic rigid body rigidbody break