About Blender Market

Blender Market was created to empower indie artists & developers using the software we all love. We are all Blenderheads who eat, sleep and bleed Blender and our goal is to give our community a trusted platform for making a living with Blender.

Founded by CG Cookie

Launched by CG Cookie, Inc (now known as Autotroph) in 2014, the Blender Market is an independent marketplace where Blender artists are able to elevate their passion for Blender into a career. Our vision was to create a sustainable and stable environment for developers & artists, allowing them to get paid for doing what they love creating custom tools, and incentivizing them to deliver assets and add-ons that are invaluable to the community.

The Blender Market is independently owned and operated and has no affiliation with The Blender Foundation

Supporting the Blender Development Fund

The Blender Market is a proud Corporate Gold member of the Blender Development Fund. We believe a rising tide raises all boats and are committed to contributing back to Blender. Our built-in features allow Blender Market creators to automatically donate a percentage of their earning directly back to the Blender Development Fund. This means that making a purchase on the Blender Market not only supports a creator but also helps to ensure Blenders continued development.

The Future of Blender

We believe that Blender’s future is to become the most widely used 3D software package on the planet. The role of Blender Market is to give our community a trusted and independent platform for earning a living using the software that we all love, Blender.