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Dupli-curve has been developed to simplify objects distribution along a path

What for?

-environment design :  distribute trees along a road on a terrain

-asset modeling : distribute rivets, bolt on curved shapes


-random or ordering objects from collection of the first chosen object

- space between objects setting, never goes off the curve

-randomize location, rotation and scale

-real-time setting adjustment

- z lock for everything stay vertical

-convert to one global mesh 

-convert to individual instance meshes


         quick and easy to use !

  Random or Ordering Collection Objects

In case of 'Follow Curve' on, there are two options:

'Lock Up' to keep all instances vertically, 'Fill' that fill the curve with instances (works well with symmetrical x axis objects)


- spread on one spline at a time

- one element spline only, other segment will not be filled

- clones mesh data only, no modifiers supported yet


tutorial 2 (animate offset parameter)

in version 3.1.5 fixed the overlap problem of distributions objects along the cyclic curve:

tutorial 3:

differences of random lacation with "follow curve" active or not

new features with v3.2.0:

 - Set directly number of instances

 - Extract curve from mesh in edge select mode

If you duplicate the curve

3 choices:
      Copy from source
      New duplicurve
      Kill duplicurve datas


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Sales 300+
6 ratings
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL