
Picto Filmo in Addons


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BlendRef is a blender add-on for images and videos references managing in the viewport while sculpting, animating or modeling. The image part is similar to BeeRef or PureRef apps but, in blender! No need to put a forced app over your viewport, it's part of it. No need to click on the app to zoom or move a image, you don't leave Blender interface. The video part is very efficient for animation references. You can loop and slow down any segment! You can now add text to better sort your references. Know that everything is kept in specifics collections so you can easily bring your ref from a blend file to another by simply append the collections!

NEW 1.71

- Rename blendref collections

NEW 1.7

- Import images sequences

- Blender 3.6 compatibility

NEW 1.6

- Add Text

- Render

- Export selected images copies to a folder

Troubleshooting (to be fixed in next update):
-BlendRef window need Show Overlays ON
-In some case, hidden scene collections has to be unhidden in order to be able to import Images and Movies

1.5 Update

-Enable/Disable viewport

-Bring selected reference to the viewport

-some debugs

1.1 Update

- gif and webm import as movies

- media infos: display size, format, number of frames...

- Arrange selected or all in columns make space organisation easier and faster

- Preview range follow you speed switching, no need to disable then enable it again.

- + some debugs

Simple to use

  • Just choose a folder or individual image to import
  • Arrange the images in columns
  • flip it horizontally or vertically
  • rotate and scale it

Powerful tool

  • A to B loop
  • slowmotion
  • flip horizontally or vertically


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Sales 300+
7 ratings
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL
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