Animation Layers

Tal Hershko in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 83 ratings by the community.

  • Joe
    3 months ago

    Overall, this addon is an immense improvement to the default animation workflow in Blender. It allows for non-destructive animating. I am always a fan of anything non-destructive, as it allows more flexibility if you want to change something.

    I have run into some small issues before - however the developer is quick to respond to my messages and has been able to help me resolve most of my issues within a day. For anything else, I was able to find a workaround.

    My one piece of advice (which is probably common sense) is to be cautious when using this add-on and updating either Blender or the add-on itself. If you're in the middle of a project, it might be best to push off the update until you finish the project. This is to avoid potential issues with existing scenes that may appear after an update.

  • Rumesh
    4 months ago

    Really useful and helpful addon. I was a maya user for over 15 years and knowing the power of animation layers always felt that missing power inside Blender and this addon saved my day.

    Highly recommended.

  • John5
    4 months ago

    Must have plugin for Blender. Every animator needs this functionality. Animation Layers are there by default in Maya and Motion Builder and I am glad such Blender addon exists that brings layers to Blender as well.

  • Tom
    4 months ago

    this works perfectly, just as expected and have no issues what so ever! It's great- thank you

  • ahmad
    6 months ago

    Literally a must have add-on, need more tutorials please.

  • bibin
    8 months ago

    Great addon. Sometimes it does its own thing but thats always an error from my part haha . Just need to have a clean rig and this works well ! thanks

  • Aaron Schnacky
    8 months ago


  • Josaphat Soekahar
    10 months ago

    Must have. Sure blender have NLA, but this make the workflow closer to Maya's Animation Layer.

  • slavko
    11 months ago

    I've been using this for about a year I guess. Can be great for small tweaks but absolutely useless in a mid-scale projects since this addon's behavieour is really unpredictable. Especially when it comes to work with linked libraries then addon becomes absolutely useless, unfortunately. Saved a lot of hours in a small tasks, and brought a lot of head ache in bigger projects. It seems like many features this addon has don't work in a way they supposed to.

    • Tal Hershko

      11 months ago

      Hi, Thanks for the feedback. If you run into issues, then feel free to report to me via Blendermarket's contact creator, or the discord channel. If you are using Blender 4.1 then there were issues coming from Blender that are now fixed in 4.1.1
      Make sure you also update the addon via the auto-updater.
      Regarding linked libraries I just know that the rig files should be clean from layers and nla strips, otherwise they will always appear in the animation files. I'm not aware of other issues related to linked libraries.

  • jordal
    about 1 year ago

    Very useful, thanks. I recommend for animators.

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  • Single License for a single user of Animation Layers

  • Animation Layers Studio License for up to 10 seats


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Sales 7700+
83 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
License GPL