Flip Fluids

by RLGUY in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 98 ratings by the community.

  • Isak Fjeld Rasmussen
    over 1 year ago

    super hard to work with. some times it kinda works but you try to do the exact same thing later with the same settings and it doesn't work anymore. very inconsistent and hard to use

    • Ryan Guy

      over 1 year ago

      If you're experiencing difficulties using the FLIP Fluids addon, please send us a message. I'm sure we can help you, and perhaps there is something missing that is causing these issues.

  • david
    almost 2 years ago

    works for simple scenes or some middle level complex scenes but dont try to put fluid inside enclosed space as it can result in instability ... i made the mistake of trying to move the blender file with cache to another PC for rendering and some how this corrupted it (not sure if it was that) ... tried control Z .. tried append to new scene even tried to re simulate it ... all now result in that scene crashing blender

    tried applying scale to all mesh objects which oddly seemed to corrupt the blender save after trying to render it out

    in short ... if you want to simulate fluid in organic situations and have it look convincing without crashes ... dont use control Z or try to transfer the file to another PC (unless you aim to transfer BEFORE you simulate)

    when this addon works it really works well... much better than mantaflow .. sadly in my experience getting it to work is a dice roll at best even with the latest supposed updates it still is unstable and some areas lack definition in the domain settings panel in reference to size or impact

    if you want a weeks worth of headaches with the potential to corrupt your blender saves with the slim chance it works as intended then sure go ahead and buy this addon but if you are able to get mantaflow to work for you the dont ... the added fidelity of this addon is not worth corrupting blender saves and heaps of crashes just to get added detail in fluid sims

    i will edit this review when the stability problems are addressed and corrected

  • Andrzej Sliga
    almost 2 years ago

    I was a bit hesitant before buying FLIP Fluids, but it's absolutely worth it. The amount of control is amazing and the customer support is quick and helpful. I think it's the best support I have ever came across!

  • Saunier
    almost 2 years ago

    Pfffiou....!!! Very worth the money spent !
    FF is easy to get started with if you take the necessary time to read the documentation and to watch and at least the 1st one of the provided video tutorials .
    Stable and featured, results are impressive.
    A pro tool (with some mentioned limitations), affordable, with no subsciption... Thank you !

  • Loopiss
    almost 2 years ago

    One of the best addon made for Blender. With a very good documentation. Thank you guys!

  • Steven Cady
    about 2 years ago

    In awe, this is incredible. I wish I knew about this sooner. So easy to grasp. The stability of it with Blender is remarkable. Things just work way faster!!!

  • stevenlstarr
    about 2 years ago

    Flip Fluids is a good addon to have but I can't give it 5 stars for a few reasons.

    1. Extremely slow development/updates (For having around $775,200+ in sales, this addon should be seeing rapid development.)
    2. Documentation is seriously lacking in areas people actually care about, like (Large Oceans, Rivers, ...)
    3. Simulations are slow. (The same simulations are 5x faster on houdini with my RTX 2060 Super)

    Since purchasing this addon, I have found $399 every two years for Houdini to just be a better option if you're looking for fluid simulations..

  • Damion Hill
    about 2 years ago

    This is a fantastic add-on! However, it has some bugs. If you have a moving object that doesn’t have a rigid body system attached to it and there’s liquid sloshing around inside the object, it will lose volume quickly. I’ve tried everything and it will not work. If your object is stationary it works wonderfully! I had to return it, however, I wish I didn’t. It’s a great add-on.

    • Ryan Guy

      about 2 years ago

      Thanks for the review! Unfortunately, perfect volume conservation is a common limitation in liquid simulation systems. For more information, we have a topic on the limitations of the FLIP Fluids addon here: https://github.com/rlguy/Blender-FLIP-Fluids/wiki/Limitations-of-the-FLIP-Fluids-addon#volume-and-mass-preservation

  • Proteus
    over 2 years ago

    I went to change the material on the simulation fluid while baking. Something that should have no bearing on the simulation. It crashes blender. The videos are deceptive, as the settings they use do NOT resemble the output of the addon if used exactly as demonstrated. It does mostly do what it claims, however. For $76 each license I would expect the software to be tested, documented, and supported through modern channels. While the documentation is passable, the rest is a mess. I've had this add-on for less than a week and have already seen it cause half a dozen crashes, something that happens rarely for me in Blender these days.

    For those reasons I am giving this add-on an 'average' rating. Bring the cost down, improve the testing, actually verify your software... and maybe it will go up. As usual, ratings are skewed overly high for this product, just like is seen on Amazon. This is not the best add-on ever, nor is it the worst - but it can MOST CERTAINLY be improved exponentially in both quality and efficiency.

  • Pablito
    over 2 years ago

    The best Fluid simulation

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Sales 16000+
98 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 7 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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liquid FLIP Water simulator flow Fluid simulation Mantaflow physics VFX