Flip Fluids

by RLGUY in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 96 ratings by the community.

  • Joel Mckay
    4 months ago

    Desperately needs a preset thumbnail inventory to abstract away the complex workflows of figuring out viscosity/bubbles etc. Additionally, simulating small water detail collisions with deforming meshes seems borderline computationally unfeasible even on an rtx3070. A lot of work just to get a silly lawn sprinkler effect. Also, stopping the inflow also pauses the sim, so our sprinkler freezes its stream mid air. lol funny, but a waste of money for the scene we needed. =)

    • Ryan Guy

      4 months ago

      Thanks for the review and feedback! The FLIP Fluids addon simulator runs entirely on the CPU, so the RTX 3070 GPU will not aid in the simulation computation, only the render. More information on CPU usage and performance can be found on this page: https://github.com/rlguy/Blender-FLIP-Fluids/wiki/Performance-Notes-and-Tips Feel free to contact us here or at [email protected] if you run into any issues - some of the problems described may be able to be avoided with some adjustments to the simulation setup.

  • Katherine
    4 months ago

    After trying to follow a tutorial on making fluid simulations and being floored, I decided to give this a go, because frankly it looked amazing. And yeah, it is amazing. It's simple to get started...I am a beginner with 3D, but this makes it fun. Thank you.

    • Ryan Guy

      4 months ago

      Thanks for the review! Great to hear that getting started went smoothly and that you're having fun getting into 3D.

  • DD
    5 months ago

    I am floored at how good this addon is. It can handle inflow sizes at lower resolutions that Blender's native fluid simulation couldn't DREAM of. I also greatly appreciate how much work went into making it actually easy to apply materials to the fluids, and change its parameters all within the Flip Fluids UI. The explanations of what everything does by hovering over are also greatly appreciated.

    • Ryan Guy

      5 months ago

      Thanks for the review! There's a lot of settings in the UI - great to hear that the tooltips explanations have been helpful and that you're enjoying the addon.

  • Harrowing Hell
    5 months ago

    I made this purchase today only because you said we get FLIP 2.0 for free. Thank you for the soul crushing work you put in to make this masterpiece.

    • Ryan Guy

      5 months ago

      Thanks for the support! From the start we have always had a goal to provide all updates to the addon at no extra cost, even for large updates such as the FLIP Fluids 2.0 project. It has truly been a delight for us to continue development of the addon over the years, and it's largely due to the kindness and support from the Blender community that has made this a wonderful experience.

  • randray
    9 months ago

    Incredibly stable! I killed Blender over 100 times by built-in fluid sim, but this sim never kill Blender.

  • Sunlite
    9 months ago

    Just awesome!!

  • aPOP
    10 months ago

    Still fantastic and so useful in 2023!! It blows my mind that this is created by non-blender devs for how fantastic and well thought out it is.

    Every little thing you might want in an add-on is here. Considerations for ease of selection, ease of baking and rendering, ease of just general use and most of all FANTASTIC documentation. The answer I need is almost always already written and even the one time I couldn't find it, the devs got back to me immediately and helped me fix my issue no problem.

    This is worth your money!!

  • Thomas Schaedel
    about 1 year ago


  • Isak Fjeld Rasmussen
    about 1 year ago

    super hard to work with. some times it kinda works but you try to do the exact same thing later with the same settings and it doesn't work anymore. very inconsistent and hard to use

    • Ryan Guy

      about 1 year ago

      If you're experiencing difficulties using the FLIP Fluids addon, please send us a message. I'm sure we can help you, and perhaps there is something missing that is causing these issues.

  • david
    over 1 year ago

    works for simple scenes or some middle level complex scenes but dont try to put fluid inside enclosed space as it can result in instability ... i made the mistake of trying to move the blender file with cache to another PC for rendering and some how this corrupted it (not sure if it was that) ... tried control Z .. tried append to new scene even tried to re simulate it ... all now result in that scene crashing blender

    tried applying scale to all mesh objects which oddly seemed to corrupt the blender save after trying to render it out

    in short ... if you want to simulate fluid in organic situations and have it look convincing without crashes ... dont use control Z or try to transfer the file to another PC (unless you aim to transfer BEFORE you simulate)

    when this addon works it really works well... much better than mantaflow .. sadly in my experience getting it to work is a dice roll at best even with the latest supposed updates it still is unstable and some areas lack definition in the domain settings panel in reference to size or impact

    if you want a weeks worth of headaches with the potential to corrupt your blender saves with the slim chance it works as intended then sure go ahead and buy this addon but if you are able to get mantaflow to work for you the dont ... the added fidelity of this addon is not worth corrupting blender saves and heaps of crashes just to get added detail in fluid sims

    i will edit this review when the stability problems are addressed and corrected

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Sales 14600+
Customer Ratings 96
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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