Tree And Grass Library Botaniq - Trees

by polygoniq in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 145 ratings by the community.

  • Steven Cady
    over 2 years ago

    I love this so much, However, I can't seem to find a solution for this issue and it continues to drive me nuts. I will work on a file on my mac at work then I want to open the file on my home PC and all the foliage/trees are all black, even though I packed the blend file. I have to re-create everything in order to have it show up. What am I doing wrong? I get stressed that I can only really use this on one machine and can't ever pass the file to anyone.

  • Kaden
    over 2 years ago

    This is a bit of a strange complaint, but I live in Michigan, and I don't see any American trees in this package. Only European trees. I don't know if there's a huge difference between North American trees and European trees; Is there a separate pack of North American trees somewhere?

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Hi there Kaden,

      this is definitely valid feedback although rest assured that our tropical and succulent section is not really European. ^_^

      Could you compile a short list of the most necessary additions? We could have a nice American tree update in the future. Although from my personal memories a lot of the US trees look quite similar to their European counterparts but there are definitely some that would come in handy.

      Ideally you can send it over on our Discord into the #botaniq channel or via a message here on BlenderMarket.

      All the best,

  • Douglas Crabtree
    over 2 years ago

    Love this, so easy to use and looks amazing!!!

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Thanks Douglas, Yeah we're making sure botaniq doesn't get overcomplicated while we add new functionality.

  • Simon
    over 2 years ago

    Grass :D

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Animation? xD Coming soon to your favorite local 3D theaters.

  • Paweł
    over 2 years ago

    Amazing, v 6.5 with the seasons modifier....., swept everything else :)

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      We be sweepin' :) There's still lots to do regarding seasons like vertex animation for blossoms / shrinking leaves and more. + The new attributes also open up a vast amount of possibilities regarding all this. Thanks for the rating!

  • Vectorr66
    over 2 years ago

    I use Botaniq all the time! Thanks for an awesome tool.

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Glad to hear, maybe now that the asset browser has made it into botaniq you won't be able to stop? All the best:) Adam

  • Johnny Martinez
    over 2 years ago

    Can't thank polygoniq enough. Amazing work. I have been hooked on 3d plants ever since.

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      The polygoniq team is thrilled to receive such a great rating, thank you! We hope botaniq saves you a lot of time in your future endeavors :)

  • CelestialOcean
    almost 3 years ago

    A wonderful add-on! It really speeds up the process of making forests and other biomes. I love that the trees have wind animation too. I'm hoping in future updates you might consider adding animations for the grass for wind/turbulence. But it's a really solid add-on and I'm glad I bought it. Thank you for a smooth experience!

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a 5-star rating - it's much appreciated!

      Grass animation is definitely coming, in the meantime, you can easily add it manually - visit our Discord for help :)

  • Mario
    almost 3 years ago

    I love it. Getting better with every update. Creators are always there to answer, if you have any questions. Thank you.

    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      We will share this with the whole team to let them know to keep up the amazing work! Thank you so much for your 5-star review :)

  • Adrian Arifi
    almost 3 years ago


    • polygoniq

      over 2 years ago

      Thanks, Adrian, much appreciated!

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Sales 24800+
145 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free