X-Pose Picker 4.0
PDF file documentation for download, examples and video tutorials are available.
Software and Documentation Updates
version 3.1.7
- updated for Blender 4.1
- added full support with x-mirror for new rigify
- fixed crash on x-mirror on specific scenario
- improved stability
- ported new picker to support older blender versions
- bugfixes
version 3.0.2
- updated for Blender 4.0
- bugfixes
version 2.2.9
- fix path error for autosave on Linux
- fix set last used tab as active tab for open file, open recent and auto-file
- fix files from older version not opening
- fix changing xpix filename results in file not open
- added drag'n'drop svg image to replace button shape
- added drag'n'drop xpix files to open project
- added svg png jpg drag'n' drop change picker background
- fix round buttons now svg shape allowed
- fix recent files list broken sometimes
- fix text selection highlight in script editor and text fields
- fix clean selection on tab change
- add auto-execute to command button on tab activate
- add set last used tab as active on xpix life load
- add wildcards *,? in namespace
- add saves zoom and pan picker tabs viewport on exit
- add frameless mode and unhide all view option
- added debug prints
- changed logging directory to main dir
- replaced registry settings storage to ini file
- shortened label name to button label
- removed tcp port setting from picker preferences
- removed quit signaling/messaging
- added automatic tcp port selection
- added action debug message
- redesigned picker panel
- new icons, ranamed buttons
- added debug mode
- changed windows exe path
fixed connection establishment issue
- drastically improved performance in Blender Viewport
- fixed svg buttons can't be updated
- fixed disappearing svg buttons
- improved picker subprocess management
- changed naming from clean to reset button shape
- fixed closing tab will sometimes close wrong tab
- minimum button svg image size reduced
minor bugfixes
- new superFocus allows to immediate focus windows on mouse hover
- dramatically improved workflow with new magic auto-mouse option
- interface cosmetic changes for better readability
- gizmos on transforms now remembers previously used tool
- bugfixes
- restored auto-save function
- shrinked minimum picker window size
- bugfixes
- fixed custom shape button scale
- added custom shape buttton color change
- fixed removed outline from custom shape button when selected
- fixed application startup on first run on MacOS and Linux systems
- added file browser
- added auto xpix project loading on picker start
- updated documentation
- native menu bar now in picker window on Mac
- added stay On Top button to Tool Bar on Linux
- fixed preferences dialog layout for Mac and Linux
- added autofocus and autoCursor to Mac and Linux
- works now on High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina
- fix - improved command Button selection
- fix - user preferences works on Linux and Mac
- fix - picker doesn't work on CentOS 7
- improved compatibility with avastar2 and BlenderKit
- add-on compatibility fixes
- added full svg custom button shapes support
- added x-mirror support for svg images
- added z-order button set to mouse context menu
- updated User's Manual
- added support for multiple 3D Views with ability to change active view
- added transform gizmos on Loc, Rot, Scale option. Can be used instead transform modal operators
- updated User's Manual
- added more keyboard shortcuts passthrough to Blender
- added fully configurable keyboard shortcuts
- added Unselect all on Tab change feature
- improved add-on compatibility
- added auto-cursor return feature
- improved stability
- proxy armature support added
selection changes active bone
- Unreal Engine 5 host support
- Maya host support
- Custom shapes for buttons, sliders (partially done)
- facial expressions library (see Valeria rig)
- hand gestures/ poses library (see Valeria rig)
- fast search outliner
- universal rig templates (rigify, AutoRig Pro, Allright Rig, etc.) (partially done)
- toggle display assigned objects per button
- universal script snippets (partially done)
- approximate buttons selection
version 2.2.7
version 2.0.2
version 1.9.9
version 1.9.4
version 1.9.3
version 1.9.0
version 1.8.9
version 1.8.7
version 1.8.6
version 1.8.3
version 1.7.9
version 1.7.6
version 1.7.3
version 1.6.9
version 1.6.7
Official Release
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