Waterial - Animated Ocean Water Material For Eevee & Cycles

polygoniq in Models

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Waterial is an advanced material for creating animated water surfaces with low memory requirements and is much less performance-intensive than simulations. Node-Group with descriptions allows lots of material changes to be easy. 









boat wake wave controlled by empty:

Animated water Node-Group

Water Shoreline Waves animated Node-Group

Smart Beach Material Adjusting to Water utilizing it's Object Origin

Bonus Content

Beach Umbrella 

5 Rock Models 

Beach Furniture 

Frosted Water Material 

9 models of Coconut Palms

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Release log:

2020/08/10: fixed issues with Eevee volume and redid some parameters

2019/08/23: added 9 types of coconut palms

2019/06/10: added Boat Wake feature + cleaned the material a bit + properly named and separated into layers all objects in the scene + separated textures into a zip

2019/06/05: waterial first release


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Sales 1500+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free