Toonkit For Cycles

by Cogumelo Softworks in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 49 ratings by the community.

  • Marin
    about 4 years ago

    All things considered, this is a robust and nice plugin for many NPR use cases. Currently I am using it on a M1 mac together with the Intel version of Blender, and it is working fine. I am hoping for a reliable ARM version of Blender soon, and that Toonkit will play nicely with it, too.

  • Anas
    about 4 years ago

    I used it in many of my projects and I am pretty satisfied.. the line renderer is a great feature which is much more flexible than freestyle.. I think I will be using it for all my future projects. Granted you will eventually find some limitations like it only support sun and point lamps. But it is miles ahead of competition.

  • Kou_Kisaragi
    over 4 years ago


  • soleis
    over 4 years ago

    I'm not an expert by any mean, and it's true that there's a learning curve, but so far ToonKit provides the most flexible NPR workflow I've had the chance to test, including other expensive 3D packages and renderers.
    Replying to the comment below: nothing comes easy. If you expect a magic button to generate exactly what you have in mind, then indeed don't bother with addons like this one. The one star rating is rubbish, if you can't spend enough time learning a new tool, no need to punish the developers as a result of your frustration.

  • gaetan
    over 4 years ago

    Looks pretty and the example files are impressive. However, this is really not for beginners. There is a very steep learning curve as it is all trial and error.

    The documentation is very mininal e.g. "This is button A: Button A does A". The on-site videos are a copy of the text: minimal information.

    There are no examples on how to achieve the equivalent looks or styles of the sample files. There are no tutorials on how to achieve any of the various various looks. Internet video tutorials are few almost non-existant.

    Finally, this addon only renders using the CPU, so that expensive GPU card is useless with this app.

    I regret purchasing this as I do not have the time to waste trying to figure out and mid read the developper's intentions.

    • Cogumelo Softworks

      over 4 years ago

      Hi gaetan.
      What did you described is the computer Graphics by itself. Try and error is the way to do anything in a node system like cycles and part of the fun. As you said Toolkit has a repository with samples covering most common art styles and techniques and a online documentation to be used as reference for each option of each node. Hope you find some time in future to check about it with more patience and see that experimenting is not a weekness is the way to empower great artists. We're to help you for anything you need so you have any specific doubts let us know. Best regards.

  • Ricardo Graca
    over 4 years ago

    Nice, Vitor. Waiting for the next release(1.4).

  • PIAPI Animation 2
    over 4 years ago

    can this work in eevee ? if its can, its gonna be awasome

    over 4 years ago

    It's not working, drops python error, or crash blender...

    • Cogumelo Softworks

      over 4 years ago

      Hi Bernard. Contact us by message we will be glad to help you.

  • Björn Karlsson
    almost 5 years ago

    Awesome! I have been using this for more than a year, and now I can't live without it! :)

  • blend3d
    almost 5 years ago


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Sales 2400+
49 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL