
by Sahin Ersoz in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 28 ratings by the community.

  • kgmdevelop
    1 day ago

    Thank you.

    I downloaded it and confirmed that it works normally.

    Also, thanks to this, deep paint addon was deactivated.

    I'm using a blender to make storyboards,

    The characters work with grease pencils.

    Background and objects require 3d work.

    But most addons are not suitable because they focus on very sophisticated modeling.

    Thank you for your addon.

    Perhaps for a certain person like me, your addon is the best thing you need.

  • Gazan
    2 months ago

    I bought the new version. The UI is far less clear than the previous version we can see in the youtube videos. As a professional, I have to time to watch tons of videos to try to understand how it works. I tried several time to make basic tests and always got weird results. The documentation is not updated nor sufficient.

  • Juan Velasquez
    3 months ago

    Great potential. Fantastic possibilities, but very discouraged by the UI.

  • Lauren
    5 months ago

    I highly recommend Sketch N’Carve, not only for its functionality but also for the excellent support. The developer, Sahin, showed great commitment to ensuring a fantastic user experience.

  • yuksel
    over 1 year ago

    One of the most useful add-ons. Makes life much easier. Helpful Youtube videos explains a lot also.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      about 1 year ago

      Thank you, yuksel! :)

  • katotsukamoto
    over 2 years ago

    After the purchase, I asked the author some questions and he was very attentive.
    This add-on is playful and fun to use.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you, Katotsukamoto! :)

  • Jim
    over 2 years ago

    Yes, this very good once you grasp the UI. It is tricky and contacting Sahin made a difference and I get it now. He is updating the tutorial to match the current version which is good to know. Do the bridge tutorial first and watch the screen cast keys.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 2 years ago

      Thank you, Jim! :)

  • Paul Schuyler
    over 2 years ago

    Promising, but bewildering UI. I like the plugin for its potential, but after 2 days of using it, I'm struggling to use it for the most basic tasks. It doesn't help that many of the previous tutorial vids (Youtube/SketchNCarve), are based on previous versions of the program. So for example, I just wrestled for a long time with the concentric shapes option, but that option is no longer visible in the UI. So what to use? The most confusing aspect for me is the camera controls. Yes, I have all of the shortcuts for this Carve Orthagonal camera. But as I use them, the sketches retain their projection along some other parameters. I'd recommend the developer avoid adding features for now, and clean up the UI into some sort of easy-to-use interface, or eliminate old tutorials. I've spent about 30 hours on learning this, and I'm almost as confused as when I started.

  • Jordan
    over 2 years ago

    This addon is amazing in concept (modeling with grease pencil!), but the UI, which basically consists of a dense wall of options & parameters in the redo panel, needs a major overhaul. My suggestions:

    1) A hotkey that brings up a list of operator presets to quickly choose from (i.e., press and hold the hotkey, move the mouse to the desired preset, let go of the hotkey). This would feel less clunky than having to bring up the redo panel and then click a dropdown just to select a preset.

    2) A more standard, modal workflow, similar to Hardops, Fluent, Speedflow, etc., where a single hotkey brings up a pie menu that allows you to choose between various modals. Each modal can display a HUD with hotkeys for tweaking the operation. This way the user is only presented with information relevant to the specific task they're trying to perform.

    That said, I'm still happy with my purchase. If the UI gets fixed, I'll be even happier!

  • Carl S
    over 2 years ago

    Overall a powerful tool, but held back by the UI / UX
    UI/UX Design is imperative to the value of a product
    I found myself spending way more time trying to understand the UI than actually using the addon, something that's frustrating when you've payed for a product.

    Keep in mind that the tools themselves are powerful, but I value user experience.

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  • SketchN'Carve (lite) Boolean modeling, Extrude (with subdivisions) and Line tools. Non-destructive and Destructive modeling, Mirror and Spin modifiers.

  • SketchN'Carve (Full) All Core features plus: Blob, Scatter, Curve Objects, Knife (Freehand), Dice Tool, Subdivision Surfaces, Shrink Wrap Modifier, five different shape creation tools, face manipulation tools, Snap tools. Array Modifier, Curve Modifier, Shrink Wrap Modifier, Subdivision Surfaces, Bevel, Remesh, Sketch N' Simulate for Rigid body physics, Cloth and Soft body simulations. Sketch N Cage (Mesh Deform with Shape Animation)(add-on), GP From Mesh(add-on), Simulation (Rigid Body, Cloth, Soft Body)(add-on) ...and many more features too long to list here.


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Sales 1500+
28 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9
License GPL