Save Render Presets Add-On

Blender Add-ons in Addons

- Save your render and camera settings as presets

- Easy change between very different render settings for example VR and HD

- Copy settings from the active camera to all the cameras in the scene

- Never forget to make changes again in the render settings

- Share your render settings with friends

- Edit all presets according to your wishes in the Text Editor

- Create a path with filename with only one click

The reason why I created this add-on was that I was looking for a way to easily and quickly switch between Virtual Reality Settings and HD Settings. That's quite a lot of settings you have to manage. Especially when there are multiple cameras in the scene. Besides, you always run the risk of forgetting something in this jungle of settings, which can lead to tedious surprises.
And so I set to work to solve this problem. What came out was Save Render Presets :)

The workflow I highly recommend:

Render your scene as you always did and then, if you like the result, save the render and/or camera settings. This way you make sure that nothing has been missed. It will be awesome to load these hundreds of settings with just one click. Trying to create a preset for future purposes on the other hand may need a lot of time and makes no sense because you need to define the settings for an export anyway.

With just one click you can create paths and file names based on the name of your .blend file.
For clarity, even names and color are added in the file output node.
In the add-on settings you can change the automatically generated path as you like.

Please see the documentation for details:

Fun Promotion:


  • Thanks to you I can continue with programming, and my motivation increases a lot B-)

  • For lovely people who want to give a little more :)


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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL