Point Cloud Visualizer

by Jakub Uhlík in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 17 ratings by the community.

  • Clement Valla
    about 3 years ago

    Great addon. Thanks so much Jakub.

  • Maciej
    over 3 years ago

    Works great. Now I can handle .pts directly in Blender. Good job Jakub. Thank you!

  • Larry Whittington
    almost 4 years ago

    Wonderful plugin, works as promised, but the extras menu that needs the open3d download fails to load. Could you please look into this.

    • Jakub Uhlík

      almost 4 years ago

      hello, can you please try to install open3d in blender 2.92? in 2.93 there was python version change and unfortunately there is no required open3d version package to download for python version in 2.93. i know about it and i am going to upgrade open3d version to latest soon, so this problem will be fixed. if it does not work for some other reason, please write me using Product Support button, because here i am limited to single response. thanks!

  • Step C
    almost 4 years ago

    Point clouds coming from laser scanned data I have are not properly visible. Talking with the author of PCV seems like there are some issues most likely related to this type of scanner I am using, also because with other point clouds I tested it works just great (especially with photoscans). With data coming from a Riegl VZ400 there is Continuous clipping and missing parts at some view angles. When I switch to camera view the point cloud disappears completely and then I cannot navigate in the viewport. Also I am not able to work fluidly, adding objects or more point clouds. Even adjusting viewport and camera clipping options/limits, problems stay the same.
    If someone else experiences these issues please bear in mind that they could be related also to graphic card compatibility, but I am not sure of this 100% by now because I haven't tested these data on another machine so far

    • Jakub Uhlík

      almost 4 years ago

      It's a pity you did not contact me for support first..
      From what are you describing, your "continuous clipping and missing parts at some view angles" is blender viewport clip limits setting is too small for your data dimensions: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/editors/3dview/sidebar.html#view-panel and "switch to camera view the point cloud disapper completely" and "Rendering appears to be blank" is the same thing, this time for camera view: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/render/cameras.html#lens
      Also, your issue with "adding objects or more point clouds", any blender object can contain PCV instance, so adding another Empty object to scene and loading another ply file is all it takes.
      Please, if you have some more issues, use Product Support button to send me a message, some screenshots and anything that is needed so i can help you.

  • Jer Bot
    about 4 years ago

    I have been using this for the past 2 years, even prior to becoming a commercial product. This tool exceeds what I thought would be possible in a Blender Addon. For those working with photogrammetry, PCV is priceless. There are so many useful editing functions and a large list of visualization styles. The constant updates continue to improve the workflow. Much respect for this artistic developer.

  • newart
    over 4 years ago

    1.6GB Pointcloud loads in just over 14 seconds with 54 Million points. Lots of options. Great Addon...takes Blender down another professional path.

  • Cole Masuno
    over 4 years ago

    Thank you so much for providing updates and enabling designers to have access to a workflow that allows you to display and edit point clouds. There are not currently many options to do this, but with your plugin the community is able to take a great step forward. Thank you so much - Cole

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Sales 2100+
17 ratings
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL