Ornament Generator

by PeakDreams Studio Stanisław Ogarek in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • Heimo Huspek
    1 day ago

    I have to admit that I hesitated after reading the first rating and comment. $60 is not money I spend easily when I am not sure what to expect.

    But contrary to the one-star rating above I did not experience any bugs or difficulties, neither during installation nor during use of the Ornament Generator. It worked right from the start.

    I tried adding some of the ornaments to various shapes and was always getting the results I desired. In some cases I had to tweak the settings a little bit, but that's what Stanisław Ogarek wrote in his description, so there were no bad surprises either.

    With regard to the comment above about the fact that the ornament cannot be scaled to a lower value than 0.1 … yes, that's true. But I tried a workaround: select the ornament and the curve named 'OrnamentPathObj' together and convert all to mesh. Then you can freely scale the ornament (you can delete the mesh named 'OrnamentPathObj'). The only disadvantage is that you lose the possibility to change the settings in the UI of the Ornament Generator. You have to scale the ornament together with the object it is attached to, otherwise it will not fit any more. Or you also change the scale of the ornament alone if it is only the ornament itself you are working with.

    I also had a close-up look at a couple of the 260 ornaments. They are thoroughly crafted and looking good. There certainly was put a lot of work and love into creating those.

    Well, that said, I am looking forward to working with this addon. It is a tool I have been waiting for quite some time.

    Best regards

    • Stanisław Ogarek

      1 day ago

      Thank you so much for your feedback! The value of 0.1 is added because scaling below 0.01 can cause Blender to crash on weaker PCs. For now, the best solution is to scale up the scene to achieve better results. In the future, I’ll try to implement a feature with a WARNING button for users with better-performing PCs.

      To be honest, creating the ornaments took up most of the time while developing this addon. I was a bit concerned about the first comment, but before publishing, I thoroughly tested everything multiple times.

      By the way, the Persian extension with more than 10 ornaments will likely appear this week! Stay tuned!

      If you encounter any bugs or notice something not working properly, feel free to let me know in a private message!

      I truly appreciate your feedback and support – it means so much to me!

  • thealexpg
    2 days ago

    This is the first time I want a refund on a purchase.
    Bugged from the beginning of installation, to random actions.
    It's not convenient to add your trims. Inadequate work with poly loupes.
    No ability to skail less than 0.10

    Potential like it, but it is not usable.

    • Stanisław Ogarek

      2 days ago

      Dear thealexpg,

      I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve encountered any issues with our addon. So far, we’ve sold 15 copies, and all the feedback has been very positive. Your experience is extremely important to us, and I truly appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

      Could you please describe in more detail the "random actions" that occurred? I’d be happy to schedule a call on Discord to explain the situation and help resolve the problem.

      Currently, I’m working on a tutorial that will demonstrate how to add your own patterns. For now, I can mention that it’s crucial to include a preview image with the same name as the object you’re planning to add. If you haven’t watched our YouTube tutorial yet, I highly recommend it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYRMClxtCXQ. This video explains some of the key features of the addon and might help clarify certain functionalities.

      I sincerely want our addon to meet your expectations, so every reported issue will be carefully reviewed. Fixes will be included in the next update to address any identified problems.

      Thank you for your patience and support. If you need further assistance, I’m here to help.

      Best regards,
      Stanisław Ogarek
      PeakDreams Studio

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Sales 10+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 3 days ago
Software Version 4.3
Extension Type N/A
License GPL