Ornament Generator

by PeakDreams Studio Stanisław Ogarek in Addons

What can I expect in future updates?
Regular updates are planned to further expand the tool’s functionality. Upcoming features include: LOD (Level of Detail): Automatically generate ornaments with varying levels of detail for optimized performance in different scenarios, such as game development or architectural visualization. Flat Versions with Normal Maps: An option for flat ornaments with pre-baked normal maps, ideal for lightweight scenes and real-time applications. Additional Materials: A growing library of high-quality materials to enhance your projects and provide greater versatility. Stay tuned for more features designed to improve your workflow and creative possibilities!
How many ornaments will I get in each version?
In the current version, you'll receive: 13 ornaments in the basic version 101 ornaments in the extended version 260 ornaments in the full version These numbers will continue to grow as new ornaments are added over time.
What is the Ornament Generator?
The Ornament Generator is a Blender add-on designed to streamline the creation of decorative ornaments. It includes over 260 pre-made ornaments organized into 12 categories for ease of use.
  • 5% of ornaments + future updates

  • 39% of ornaments + future updates

  • 100% of ornaments + future updates

  • 100% of ornaments + future updates (2-5 seats)

  • 100% of ornaments + future updates (6-10 seats)


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Sales 80+
6 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free