Material Library Materialiq - Cycles & Eevee Materials

by polygoniq in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 37 ratings by the community.

  • Manuel Camelo da Silva Poloni
    28 days ago

    Unfortunately I really CANNOT recommend this Addon because adding just 1 single 'Materialiq MATERIAL' from its library (browse assets), means that the scene will become extremely LAGGY and a loss of framerate like no other. It's crazy seriously what's so TAXING on the GPU and RAM when it comes to this Addon? I'm absolutely disappointed, 50 euros thrown into the trash.

  • Matthew
    about 2 months ago

    I love the materials and would love to give it a 5 star, but using them slows my viewport to a crawl. I have a 4070ti so I don't know what it could be.

  • Žiga R
    3 months ago

    Hello I recently bought and am using materialiq. It is good though I have two complaints:
    1. It slows significantly down my viewport if i use blender version 4.2 or 4.22 LTS you must have a bug in there, all your materials work ok in blender 4.0 version.
    2. I also lost some materials because it tries to tidy them up sometimes too fast. It is unintuitive to make variations of your materials sometimes. Or i just need more time using it.

  • Scott M
    4 months ago

    This has sped up my workflow a ton. I'm a modeler, not a texture artist, so this helps me push all of my scenes further into realism. I just wish I could find any info about if this is going to get further updates with new textures or not. A few options for clean slat wood floors and walls would be fantastic for older house scenes

  • Eric Mills
    6 months ago

    Their new Beta system looks nothing like their menus on the older systems and the installation instructions are poor and incomplete. I am not able to use the product and will be requesting a refund

    • polygoniq

      4 months ago

      The Beta phase is already over and we have fully transitioned materialiq to engon, try to give it a shot and get in touch. The UX is different, but we are trying to make the product better. Now you can search through all materials at once and see relevant results and even have the asset browser in a separate window. If you don’t like using it, we automatically add all the assets to the native Blender browser.

      For instructions, we would like to hear what isn’t unclear, we have quite comprehensive documentation on

  • Igor
    11 months ago

    The idea is great, the implementation is terrible
    You make a copy of the material, change various settings, but when you assign a new material, all copies fly off
    After updates to the addon or the blender itself, all materials turn purple, even the new addon engone allegedly does not help with the restoration of materials
    You write to the developers, they ignore and write that they don't understand what's going on
    They create new addons a lot and quickly, but they forget about the stability of existing ones
    Terrible, very terrible, I bought an addon for convenience, but in the end I got a problem(((

    • polygoniq

      4 months ago

      Sorry to hear that, the support message got to slip through. We have the “Remove Duplicates” functionality that is automatically enabled to remove all .001, .002, … duplicate materials (that could be copied by accident) and merge them into the first one. This can be disabled in engon spawning opitons

      if you want to keep the duplicates. We prefer to keep this enabled and name materials based on the changes we do to the material to keep things tidy.

  • Salvador J. Gutierrez
    about 1 year ago

    Wonderful library of materials. Not only speeds up my workflow, but makes it fun adding materials to objects.

  • marco
    over 1 year ago

    I have been using materialiq for more than a year and I have to say the new asset manager is not what I expected and it's making my workflow very slow compared to the previous version, I need the option to add materials from the default material menu back, it worked perfectly, not sure why that was removed but if you can please bring that option back.

  • Visual Chris
    almost 2 years ago

    The new 5.0 is so good it would really be insanely hard to not recommend getting this!!

    • polygoniq

      over 1 year ago

      Thanks:) We are glad that the new system is getting properly used and tested. If you encounter any problems, let us know so we can fix them. If you have any ideas/requests feel free to message us on Discord. All the best, Adam from polygoniq

  • Christer Andersén
    about 2 years ago

    I have used ver. 5 for a while and am deeply impressed. The improvements are significant and I would recommend this addon every day of the week.

    • polygoniq

      over 1 year ago

      Thanks Christer, we're glad! The good thing is that now it's much easier for us to implement new features and improve the system as a whole! A lot more is coming to materialiq in the future! All the best, Adam

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Sales 5500+
37 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free