This item has an average rating of 5 from 44 ratings by the community.
18 days ago
Absolutely amazing. High quality information coupled with high quality teaching. It was actually a very enjoyable and entertaining course. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of detail we go into creating realism, but instead of being laborious it was just incredibly fun. I will definitely do the course over and over again to make new portraits and excited to see how I improve. Thank you
12 months ago
Making realistic human portraits is very difficult at best. Our brains have a small area dedicated to recognizing the human face so we can distinguish one person from another via small and subtle changes to facial landmarks. This means we are very sensitive to extremely small irregularities in a face and is one of the reasons 3D realistic human portraiture is so difficult; EVERYTHING must be extremely detailed, precise and correct.
Kent's course encompass all the complex aspects of creating a hyper-realistic portrait, both technically and artistically and manages to convey it in a logical, step by step sequence, while maintaining a lightness that makes the course easy to consume. There is a LOT of depth and breadth to cover and my old computer was practically bulging from the effort, but in the end, it all worked. Kent has thought ahead to supply workarounds for common errors and even bugs in Blender! Which is a testament to Kent as a course creator AND instructor!
If you want to make 3D portraiture - this is THE course. And you will acquire skills above and beyond those used for portraiture; hand painting, sculpting, baking textures, hard modelling, clothing creation, particle systems (hair), lighting, vertex group, shape keys, and a ton of others.
With Kent's help, you will discover you can create 3D at a level you never thought you could!
Alice Automata
about 1 year ago
Absolutely one of the best courses I've followed so far. I was a little hesitant to start with little sculpting experience and limited knowledge of Blender, but the course is easy to follow and not only are the steps shown clearly, but most things are very well explained so you definitely get a better understanding of what you're actually doing and why you're making certain decisions.
The video's are nicely structured in parts and good to keep up with, which made it easy to follow up on and doing just a few video's every evening made me able to go through the course in a little more then a month time.
Definitely does need a few extra playthroughs before remembering and mastering all the steps, but the end result is absolutely worth it. With good effort you don't just get a 'I followed a tutorial' kind of piece, but more like a 'wow i made this!' kind of piece for your portfolio.
Also, before buying I was hesitant if the course could still be done in blender 4.0, but being familiar with the interface I found it not hard to follow along with, most things hold up well in the newer blender versions. Some settings/ nodes were different, but nothing a google search couldn't fix.
10/10, already working on my second human, and being able to already skip through video's makes me feel like I learned so many things!
Michael Rivera
about 1 year ago
The Source files are corrupted. They cannot be opened. even after removing .001 after the .zip. Please fix those 10 files and thank you
CG Cookie
about 1 year ago
Hi Michael, sorry for the confusion. Please see the documentation for unzipping instructions.
about 1 year ago
Excellent, very detailed course. Instructor has a lot of knowledge on the topic and presents it clearly. The FAQ for the course recommends watching videos before attempting to follow along, and I agree with this, even if its just a chapter at a time.
over 1 year ago
Kent. I hope you can read this.
I think I can give you a couple things in order to improve this.
First thing first. The course should have an Index. Or a table of contents that where you can easily look for the content you are looking for. Maybe a .pdf. I don't know if already has one. But I can't find it. Currently, the only way to discover what is precisely included in the course, is to actually, go chapter through chapter, opening the first video of every chapter, and paying attention to what you say. Difficult if you want to travel to something specific. Which takes time.
Also, an important thing. I acquired the course for the texturing knowledge. I wanted to learnt to develop photorrealistic handpainted textures, since most tutorials out there, only relies in picture projection (as you say in the course).
But, when I was evaluating the course to acquire it or not, I had bad time trying to discover if the texturing was going to be hand painted.
It's not said on any part. Not in the FAQ. Not in the documentation.
The only way to discover is to see the promotional video, from start to finish, and pay attention to a certain part, in certain second. Where is stated.
It was difficult to discover. So I think that should be advertised that textures are handpainted, by writing it in some place. Or maybe in the table of contents, if you finally make one. The table of contents should be free, for the customer to know exactly what is purchasing.
Thanks for your time.
CG Cookie
over 1 year ago
Hi josemoli - thank you for the feedback. Admittedly, I designed the course to be followed exactly as you describe: chapter by chapter. I did not anticipate someone learning from only certain parts of course/videos. So your index idea is interesting. The curriculum is very dense and an index of individually videos would be warranted.
I apologize for the confusion about texturing method. Though I did make sure to mention it was hand-painted in the course trailer @ 2:15 (the "VIDEO DEMO" button under the product images) as you point out, there's many avenues to share this info clearly.
Kade Markoux
over 1 year ago
An excellent course for creating realistic human characters that is very detailed and very well thought out with a fantastic teacher that shows you the ins and outs of creating them entirely within blender along with dealing with any problem areas and so much more including all the fine details involved! The only reason I give this a 4/5 is because there is minimal support for the course according to the FAQ for it if purchased here on Blendermarket and that really feels like a slap in the face and a why bother putting it on Blendermarket if that's the case aside from the possibility of just making it available in general to users that may likely not need very much help although I don't agree with it and I feel it should be supported regardless if here as well hence the reason why I only chose to purchase it during a sale. That is my only complaint and other than that this course is flawless and works very well even in the latest Blender 3.x version! Well done to the Instructor!
Gabriel Haapala
over 1 year ago
After a year, I still go back and learn something new every now and then, best tutorial out there for realistic anatomy,you can even use much of the chapters for none realistic characters!
over 1 year ago
I'm really enjoying going through this course, and it's everything I had hoped it would be. I'm one of the many thousands who want to learn this, but grew weary of always seeing other (brutally expensive) software suites as requirements for the otherwise wonderful courses available out there.
Kent really has done something amazing for us, and I find the course fully understandable and doable. Thank you!
Emiel Van de Veire
almost 2 years ago
I love this course!
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The complete 28-hr HUMAN course + 6 additional prerequisite courses.