WARNING: Fluent will transform you into an Elite Monster among hard surface artists. If you do not want to be elite, do not buy this tool.
Awesome updates.
With more than 40 updates in 2 years, Fluent is an actively developed tool. Changelog
Create, edit and complete your work.

Need more than a cutter, discover Fluent : Power Trip
Fluent : Power Trip is an extended version of Fluent which allows the addition of plates, wires, pipes and grid.

Why Fluent is the greatest tool ever made ?

Some features
- Rectangle/Square from corner/center.
- Circle.
- Random shape.
- Solid of revolution.
- Every face of the model are drawing plans.
- Fly menu, all edition tools are here and only here, do not search everywhere.
- Mirror and array widget for easy direction selection.
- All informations on the screen, to know everything everytime.
- No visual pollution, see only what you need when you need.
- Everything is in the viewport.
- Automatic bevel resolution, stop wasting your time to set each bevel segments.
- etc...
Accurate drawing
- Display the snap grid on everyface.
- A menu to easly adjust the resolution, the scale and the rotation of the grid.
- Align the grid along an edges to draw in the edge direction.
- Use the grid to make solids of rotation.
- Direction snap during the hand drawing.
Non destructive workflow
- Circular array, symetrize, inset, linear array, mirror...
- 3 level of bevels and 2 level of solidify.
Smart tool box to manage whole the model in one click
- Duplicate tool.
- Boolean synchronization, to spread the adjustment to every duplicated object.
- Global bevel factor, to increase/decrease each bevel of the model.
- Bevel resolution, one click to adjust the bevel segments of everything.
- Auto-boolean support making, to fix classic boolean error.
- Auto-complete, to apply modifiers and get a freezed mesh.
Model incredibly detailed models with the Power Trip version
- Add plates.
- Place pipes between two faces with 2 clicks.
- Place wires between two faces. Wiht only 2 clicks, 6 models.
- Add grids in any holes cutted with Fluent. 14 models of grids.
- Add fabric panels with only 2 clicks.
- Automatic positionning of screw head.
Testimonials by Professionals
Fluent isn’t strictly tied to scifi work, nor is it cornered into high-poly render models. I've used Fluent to create low-poly props as well, ranging from robot arms to structures like stone temples and shrines. Its boolean system is perfectly suited to creating complex designs for any purpose, even in ultra low-poly props & models.
Fluent is the ultimate cutting tool and was designed to modify truly complex geometry. The tool has a great deal of precision when it comes to the arcane angles of 3D space. If I need to cut into an archway or a circular doorframe, the treads of a tire, or even to cut out the pattern on the bottom of a shoe… that’s what Fluent is perfect for. You’ll find yourself using it on a daily basis, almost as frequently as the extrude command.
I like to combine Fluent with Zremesher 3.0. It’s the ultimate weapon for fast and detailed high-poly props. Try it out!
Allen Grippin, artist in the gaming world.
When I began hard surface modeling, I eagerly tested the other tools available for this type of work. There are some great tools out there, and many are very inspiring to my own work. Unfortunately, at the time, I became frustrated with the sheer number of hotkeys and menus to remember. Not only that, but a lot of those tools were destructive, not taking full advantage of Blender's modifier stack. I never finished a model and I always got discouraged before the end. I felt like the whole process could be simplified and streamlined.
I am a Blender user who, like so many others, strives to make great art. It’s hard work! I'm not one of those geniuses who remembers how to do something after the first try. I like to tinker & try different things, and re-adjust my methods according to new projects. I didn’t want to memorize another dozen hotkeys on top of the existing Blender arsenal… I wanted a tool that was simple to use, yet fast and efficient.
From this experience was born the desire for a tool that could solve these problems, not just for myself but for every Blender user who encountered the same difficulties. That's why I put in the time and developed Fluent, according to these three criteria: user-friendly, non-destructive, and precision.
In only six months— with the love and support of a fantastic community— Fluent has become an essential tool for hard surface artists. Meanwhile, others are discovering uses that I would’ve never thought of, such as the modeling of an ancient temple!
Fluent has allowed me to make— with great pleasure— my first model of the hard surface type. It is this pleasure that I hope you find when you use Fluent for your own creations. This is what I love, and this is my livelihood.