Divine Cut | Smart Cloth Generator V2

by Xane Studios in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 81 ratings by the community.

  • Alejandro
    about 2 months ago

    Very good utility for fast itarations ! The guide and step by step assist on the addon panel are brilliant!

  • dan
    about 2 months ago

    Not sure whats wrong, the demo file works but using the addon in my own file on 4.1 on a humanoid model doesn't work so I can't even begin really using it.

    • Alexander

      about 2 months ago

      Hello Dan, you have given a 1 star review before even reaching out to ask for assistance. It must be a very minor issue as it works for all kinds of models. Please message me in the Blendermarket inbox and I will assist you

  • Kozu
    about 2 months ago

    For a long time I have been trying to find a tool to create clothes easily and quickly in Blender.

    Today, my search has finally been successful when I saw "Divine Cut", super easy to use, fast and efficient, it can be adapted to any body and anatomy (really, any body)

    The developer offers very fast and very good support when there are small issues :)

  • Tony
    2 months ago

    Poor documentation, there's none for the trousers..

    The add-on is simple and fast!
    No inflated menu for the sake of pricing like the other cloth add-ons!

    It's great for upper body simple garments but we are having issues with more detailed and complex avatars considering there's no docs for the less knowledgeable in Blender.

    Will wait for updates!

    • Alexander

      2 months ago

      Hi Tony!
      Thank you for your feedback. DivineCut has been released for little over a week.
      I have put out two tutorials so far with more in the works. I'm just balancing between tutorials and developing the addon according to feedback.
      Someone asked the other day how to make a hoodie, so just yesterday I've been able to add an 'Add Hoodie' button, so the addon does it for you with a single click.
      But as you can see, while I was doing that it seems you were struggling with something which I didn't know about.
      If you have any inquiries please let me know in my blendermarket inbox, I have gladly assisted many and always respond as quickly as possible. We can grow this together with communication so do feel free to send a message if you need any assistance :)

  • Shane
    2 months ago

    A brilliant addon that makes the creation and editing of clothing running cloth sims considerably quicker and easier than if done from scratch. I've only really scratched the surface so far, but the results i've been getting are excellent. It's a well implemented addon at a good price.

  • Seth Rutledge
    2 months ago

    This is a great tool to quickly lay in clothing. I look forward to some more explanation around some of the more advanced topics, like zippers and binding in general, but I'm impressed.

  • Ooshima
    2 months ago

    It's very nice. The response to my concerns was quick and very helpful.

  • BVBY
    2 months ago

    this crazy developer huge benefits for loyal existing customers!! and this is what i want !!!

  • Robert Green
    2 months ago

    Extremely fast to create clothing for characters from nothing and the results are excellent. Superb in fact! I found it enjoyable.

    A few things to note though. I haven't spent much time yet learning how to use some of the other features within the tool like bind, so please keep this in mind with my rating.

    It's great the creator is already starting to release a few tutorials on how to use the various features...it gives me a better idea of the ideal workflow from start to finish. That's the one area I feel is a bit lacking at it's current state given there's a lot we can do, but in due time I think more tutorials will come available to help.

    Great tool!

  • jiho
    2 months ago

    It's very good

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Sales 900+
Customer Ratings 81
Average Rating
Published 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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