Divine Cut | Smart Cloth Generator V2

by Xane Studios in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 81 ratings by the community.

  • Malte Bischert
    10 days ago

    Just bad. You cannot really generate something what is fitting and tight. Start with a Cylinder and buy something else. I bet there is a better free alternative. Please do not buy this.

    • Alexander

      10 days ago

      This is an unfair review Malte Bischert. And I don't even think you bought this so why tell people not to get it? I mentioned everywhere that you should contact me if you have any questions or challenges. I respond quickly. It can make tight clothes very easily. Under the Paint tools click on inflation/deflation and paint on the areas you want tighter or more loose.
      Have a nice day.

  • Aalma
    10 days ago

    I bought this product just to be able to write a review as I see here, people are not rating the product itself but the creator's decision on not giving the full pack for free. Let's not forget that this is a gift, it costs you nothing and it gives you something and you have the choice to either take it or not. Why being maleficent?

    The creator put a lot of effort into creating this product and they have bills to pay and needs as a regular human being.

    Just imagine yourself giving a gift to someone and they come to you complaining "Oh! but this is not the gift I expected, you gifted me "XYZ" but I wanted an iPhone! What's the reason to give a gift if it's not an iPhone?"

    As for the creator. Please! Keep up with the good work. I hope this avalanche of negativity will not affect your desire to create and contribute to making the creative process in Blender more fun and interesting.

    Thank you for your hard work!

    • Alexander

      10 days ago

      Thank you Aalma. Thank you so so much. I am not discouraged. While all that is going on, I'm working on some exciting new updates which I look forward to releasing in the near future. Thanks so much again, I really appreciate :)

  • Saber
    10 days ago

    I checked your trial add-on code, and I can see that you put a lot of effort into making it - hiding some core code through frequent network access to restrict user use. What are the market managers doing, why do they allow such add-ons to be listed? This kind of add-on can't even meet the safety of users, let alone whether it can work properly. Who can always review the hidden code of the developer and ensure that the process will not be attacked by others?

    To be frank, there are many fabric add-ons designed for blender, some of which are fully functional and rich in assets. Compared with them, your extension is just rudimentary. It's a pity that you prefer to do other things than developing extensions, such as studying how to market your products with minimal cost.

  • Joe
    10 days ago

    I will come back to ad all the details why i dont recommend this. but another thing customers should consider is this had a lot of negative reviews that have been deleted by blender market so keep that in mind before you purchase.

  • Ali
    11 days ago

    I tried the free version and am very satisfied with the results. The addon is incredibly helpful in speeding up my work, and the results are impressively smooth. This is why I'm definitely going to purchase it and highly recommend it. Thank you.

  • Leon
    12 days ago


  • Aaron
    12 days ago

    Some interesting features I was excited to experiment with but the addon is automatically opening a youtube tutorial video if I do certain steps (ie, I hit puff and it opened firefox right to the point of a tutorial discussing the feature) or going straight to the blender market page, which is really unacceptable.
    Also it appears the dev is deleting low reviews which is unfortunate

    • Alexander

      12 days ago

      Hi Aaron. I am not deleting reviews and I do not have the power to. Kindly read the Blendermarket policy on reviews. Your review is fair and describes the product so it can not be removed. People have been cussing and more in their dissatisfaction with the selected festive products, meanwhile we creators are offering what we can and do not deserve to be destroyed for it (I'm even privately offering another addon completely free to everyone who downloaded Divine so everyone can be happier (to be announced very soon)). Regarding the youtube feature, The only time this happens is if you try to use the puff function in an incorrect manner. It only opens once throughout your use and it opens the point of the video which will teach you how to use the function properly. If you messaged me about this I would learn that you do not like it so I will add a function to disable all assists in preferences. Please message me and lets create a wonderful addon together. Many of the improvements so far are requests from users which I listen to and implement. Thank you for trying it out, it will get even better with time

  • inamdar
    12 days ago

    You are my hero!!!

  • Sham
    12 days ago

    While it has some useful, simple, straightforward ideas, the fact it is a software that constantly phones home which goes against what GPL is sort of about, failed to do what I want, and then crashed Blender 3.5 so hard I could no longer boot it after trying to change some clothing makes me think this is actually not a good deal at all. I'm happy I only tried the sample because I am extremely against having something constantly license checking like that even though it has no right to do so.

    It took me far too long to scrub that from my install so it would even boot, and the project I was hoping to use it for was corrupted with a total loss of progress from when I started using it. Never again.

    • Alexander

      12 days ago

      Hello Sham! I know what happened and your project is completely safe. Your Blender 3.5 is fine as well. As mentioned please send me a message if there are any issues at all. The trial version is different from the standard version. There's actually an updated version in your orders tab. The old version shutdown caused the temporary 5-minute crash. I'm so so sorry about this, for that the 2-stars is deserved and I take full responsibility. It's up and running fine now and the new version would never cause such a crash, but please message me so we can sort out any issues you might still be facing and so I can compensate for the moments it crashed

  • Georges Litvine
    12 days ago

    Thank you, nice job.

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Sales 900+
Customer Ratings 81
Average Rating
Published 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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