Vitrium: Advanced Glass Shader For Cycles
Vitrium is a concise, PBR-compatible glass shader for Cycles, and features controls not present in either the Principled shader or the built-in glass shader:
- Refractive Dispersion: this enables approximation of the real-life characteristic of glass to separate colours transmitted through it into a rainbow.
- A separate Specular Colour control: the user can change the colour of reflections without affecting the colour of the glass itself, enabling the approximation of phenomena such as iridescence and anisotropic scattering.
- Volumetric Colour Absorption: an internal volumetric absorption shader models how real-life pigmentation in glass absorbs more colour from rays of light the deeper they penetrate into the glass.
Vitrium is ideal for rendering refractive materials with dispersive, opalescent or iridescent properties, and can add a great deal of realism to a scene even without textures.
Product download includes:
- Asset blend file containing the Vitrium node group, and a default Vitrium material as an asset. Simply add this file to your Blender asset library folder, and it will appear in your asset library browser within Blender, to be dragged and dropped onto any mesh.
- An example scene blend file, containing the showcase scene used in the product imagery on this page.
- The shader source code (.OSL file)
Version 1.1 release:
- Added Support for Blender 4.0
Version 1.0.2 release:
- Fixed energy conservation bug
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