Ultimate Screen Shader For Cycles And Eevee

Abdou Bouam in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 5 ratings by the community.

  • R N
    almost 2 years ago

    Hello! How can I use an animated texture (an mp4 video) instead of a static image while using the pixelation effect? Using the setup for the png image does not seem to work. Thanks!

    • abdoubouam

      almost 2 years ago

      You can add an image texture (Add > Texture > Image Texture ) and select the video file you want to use. Replace the 3 image textures called "desktop.png" (or just 1, depending on which version of the shader you got) with the movie texture you imported.

      Here is a video explaining how to import an mp4 into the material editor https://youtu.be/WqDz0jZlmiQ?t=30

      If you are still having issues I recommend contacting me through the creator support

    over 3 years ago

    absolute genius, easy to use, im mean really easy, a setup for a 30second scene with an "old tv" in the background with some noise and glitch animations is setup in under 10 minutes, results are stunning!

    • abdoubouam

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you for your positive review, Michael. I'm glad to hear you found it easy to use and loved the results!

  • David
    about 4 years ago

    Very well done creator answers questions on how to use product. 5/5 would recommend this. Very satisfied with purchase.

    • abdoubouam

      about 4 years ago

      Thank you! :)

    over 5 years ago

    WOW GoldeN! So many animation possibilities. And I get the benefit of studying your nodes to learn the math nodes. I agree with the ad. VERY time saving and worth it

    • abdoubouam

      over 5 years ago

      Thanks for the positive review, I'm glad you liked it!
      I hope you'll learn a lot from it, let me know if you encounter any issues

  • Elian Koll
    about 6 years ago

    Really Good, very useful and simple. But you write softwareversion 2.79 and i try it first there and it doesnt work under 2.79 only in 2.8

    • abdoubouam

      about 6 years ago

      Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
      My mistake, I've tested it with 2.79.6 but not with the official 2.79b. I already spotted what causes the problems and I'm working on a fix, it should be ready in a few hours

  • Displaying 5 ratings

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  • Get the full version with all the nodes included.

  • Lite version, containing only the "Pixelize 2D", "RGB Matrix" and "Screen shader" Nodes.


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Sales 400+
5 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8, 2.7x, 2.79, 2.78, 2.77
License Royalty Free