Twist Logo Intro

by Diego Gangl in Render Setups

What's the length of the intro?

Frames: 225 for 25fps,  600 for 60fps
Time: 10 seconds including fade out, around 8 seconds without it.

How fast does it render?

Both variations use shadeless materials so they render pretty fast.
Dark uses Sampled Motion Blur and some basic compositing, so it's a bit slower.

Light:  ~20 minutes
Dark: ~25 minutes

Light:  ~55 minutes
Dark: ~1 hour

Tested on an Intel Core i5 at 1080p resolution.

I want to use this template but I don't want the UI to change when I open it

When opening the Blend file, uncheck the option "Load UI" in the file browser.

Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Blender Version 2.7x, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82
Misc Data Animated, Textured
License Royalty Free
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