Streamline your 3D texturing workflow with Trimsheet Express, the ultimate Blender add-on for fast and effortless trimsheet creation. With integrated baking features, this powerful tool allow you to pack multiple materials and textures into a trimsheet in just seconds (incl. all texture channels), boosting efficiency and saving time.
To create a Trimsheet just:
- Create a new Trimsheet plane
- Enter Edit Mode and start manipulating the place faced to represent the sheet structure.
- Select the source materials for each face on the addon panel.
- Click the Update Trimsheet and your trimsheet will be ready in seconds!
Supports custom texture output resolution & exporting.
Integrates baking features, for more complex source material setups.
Supports source materials using the following Shader output nodes:
Principled Shader
Glossy Shader
Diffuse Shader
Transparent Shader
Custom transformation and scaling of each material patch separately.
Has live update preview feature in Edit mode.
Export trimsheet textures in batch, in any format, with the ability to customize naming patterns.
- v1.0.3 | Trimsheet Express v1.0.3 introduces improved stability, critical bug fixes based on user feedback with proper color management and representation, enhanced error-handling, and an enhanced user experience. See the full release details on the discussion forum.
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