Tradigitalist Toolbag

Tradigital3D in Modifier Setups

This toolbag can drastically transform your art pieces, and you can become the 3D artist you have always wanted to be: no more stress, no more confusion. The Tradigitalist Toolbag is a resource specifically designed to take the stress out of digital rendering and give you the confidence YOU need to create beautiful masterpieces.  

I made the Tradigitalist Toolbag to empower digital artists struggling to match that traditional feel that only comes from physical artwork. With the Tradigitalist Toolbag, you can create spectacular pieces of artwork. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or professional artist, YOU can create beautiful paintings using these tools at your disposal. 

The Tradigitalist Toolbag is a bundle with all the mixed media tools I have been creating over the past three years. This bundle will include the following:

  1. The Blender Live Paint Filter

  2. The Blender Illustration Shader

  3. The Painter's Color Filter Node

  4. The Painterly Borders Node

  5. The Line Art Curve Modifier

  6. PixelPasto - Image to Painting Tool

Breathtaking creations will be in store for you, and the world is waiting to see them!

  • For non-revenue-generating products

  • For revenue-generating products


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Sales 400+
5 ratings
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License Editorial