Tooptimize Tools - Scene Optimization

by CGoutset in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • Jon
    about 2 months ago

    Great, simple tool to use. Definitely part of my toolbox and workflow now.

  • GoRolyGo
    2 months ago

    Thank you!

  • Tiago
    6 months ago

    It's been approximately two years since I started using ToOptimize in my workflow, and I can say that this addon has become an essential and indispensable tool in my daily routine.

    Among the various features that the addon offers, the ones I use the most and where it truly shines are the Material Benchmark, Image Data Analyzer, and Image Resizer features.

    Being able to benchmark materials and analyze the memory consumption of each one is extremely useful for those materials we download from the internet. Sometimes, due to time constraints, we don't check the material thoroughly, like if the texture resolution is excessively large, consuming too much memory for a small object in the scene.

    This leads to the second feature, the Image Data Analyzer, where you can analyze each texture linked to the material, its specifications, such as the size of the texture. Then, you can use the third feature, Image Resizer, to resize the texture to the desired resolution, optimizing the material and, in the end, consuming less memory.

    For me, this addon is essential, especially for those who work with third-party assets and materials downloaded from the internet and don't have time to check each one individually. You set up your scene, use ToOptimize to analyze memory consumption via Benchmark, then analyze the image textures, and finally optimize with Image Resizer.

    Thank you for this amazing addon!

  • Siniša Slovenec
    10 months ago

    Awesome product. Halving the file size in just few clicks.

    • Rodrigo Gama

      6 months ago

      Thank you for the review!

  • Alex
    10 months ago

    Great addon! A must for people like me that are limited in terms of VRAM. It's so quick to optimize my scenes and keep the scene responsive. I especially love the resize images feature!!! Keep this one alive cause it's a must!!! Cheers!

  • Linus Alstergren
    about 1 year ago

    This has honestly been a game changer, because I never realized that I kept adding stupidly large images and then wondering why my scene was freezing. The ability to troubleshoot with literally 1-3 clicks with this addon is super cool.

  • Marton
    almost 2 years ago

    It helped me a lot! My scene was so heavy that my GPU's RAM always ran out. But with this addon, I was able to almost instantly free up 2 GB of memory for myself.

    Another great thing is that the creator of the addon is really helpful. He answered my question in no time!

  • Wilbur Post
    almost 3 years ago

    I can't say enough about this product! I immediately applied its analysis tools to an animation project and it revealed several issues that once fixed sped up the renders immensely. Yes, the grammar in the documentation is a little off, but the product itself is solid.

    • Rodrigo Gama

      almost 3 years ago

      Thank you very much for your support!! And we just have updated all of our websites, add-on pages, and documentation pages. Now the grammar should not be a problem :D

  • Hassan Tariq
    over 3 years ago

    Love the addon. Would like to suggest that the material benchmark may also detect materials linked to object properties instead of just object data properties. And would also love a remove duplicate materials options for you know when you append objects with the same materials into a scene. Thanks though. Great addon.

    • Rodrigo Gama

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you for your review! I'm already working on a remove duplicate materials system for the next update. Let me know if you need any help!

  • Tomáš Mader
    over 3 years ago

    Great for big scene projects, I'm huge fan of this Addon! What I personally like the most is texture resize future with couple of clicks, saves a lot of time and is completely non-destructive 5+

    • Rodrigo Gama

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you very much for your review! if you need any help just let me know :D

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Sales 1400+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91
License GPL