Steam Engine 52 Series
How can I place the model in my scene?
Fastest way:
Blender 4:
- Append collection "Engine52Series" to your scene.
Blender 2.78/2.79:
- Append everything into your scene in a separate layer.
- Select everything in that layer.
- Move it.
Elegant way:
Blender 4:
- Move the "Empty52" to the place you like. (Note that the "52" refers to the index of the engine, not the 52nd empty in the object.)
Blender 2.78/2.79:
- Like above, append everything in a separate layer.
- Shift-S to set the cursor to selected.
- Add an empty for the locomotive.
- Parent all other empties to this new one.
- Move the locomotive by moving the new empty.
I have not created this additonal empty in order not to overstructure the file.
Can I animate the locomotive?
Currently, the steam engine locomotive is a static model without rigging. I could not find out yet, how the bars actually move.
I have the plan to add a rig but I want to make this dependent on demand and on a video of enough detail to reduce guesswork.