Simply Cloth

by VjaceslavT in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 123 ratings by the community.

  • Don
    3 days ago

    Excellent tool. I have custom Female and Male with morphs and fitting clothing to these has been a pain. I Purchased the Simply Clothing Pack (excellent) but the difference in body shapes, especially the female (is odd), makes using the Lattice and Sculpt tools very time consuming. This tool solves that and the 'templates' of clothing is excellent and already easy to material with the good UVs.

    - Kept as 5 stars but the following Cons needs work.
    - Downloads is a clump of files with bad naming conventions. Very confusing to download the correct file and the Documentation does not specify this at all. Please update your PDF Docs with what files are needed for Blender versions to help with updates and future customers.
    - Stop the advertisements with the tool panel. I get it. You are proud of your tool but having links for 'Support my Friends' in what is supposed to be a Professional Level Tool is unacceptable.
    - It takes a little effort to disable this by editing the Python files in Notepad++.

  • myles rowe
    about 2 months ago

    Great product - creator is very helpful as well. Highly recommended.

  • Pendragon Noimage
    3 months ago

    Addon has helped me a lot in my work, and the developer is very supportive

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      3 months ago

      Thank you Pendragon! Im happy

  • andre
    3 months ago

    Initially I was unhappy with the service I was getting. I am new to Simply cloth and I was having problems following the tutorials. Fortunately I was able to contact Slava and he walked me through a comprehensive tutorial that helped get me up to speed. I hope to master this product because it has a lot of great potential.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      3 months ago

      thank you so much for the rating and comment you write here!

  • artropodo
    5 months ago

    This is the best addon I have ever purchased, it makes things so much easier, definitely a must have!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      4 months ago

      thank you Artropodo! Im honored to read this! All the best!

  • James
    7 months ago

    This is a nice plugin makes the over all flow faster.

    I am having an issue I get an error when trying to export the material. Sent a message to Vjaceslav hopefully I get a response soon as this is kind of pointless if i cant bake it.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      6 months ago

      Hi James,
      thank you for rating me but you rate the wrong product and first get back to me and we solve the issues together and afterwards you can rate. Here you give me 4 stars for Simply Cloth and not for Simply Material.

  • S Yamase
    9 months ago

    A Nice Tool to own
    Slower than the MD but it is because of Blender

    Minor Cons
    1: adding a Hook menu would be nice
    2: Frequent changes of the UI is bit annoying

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      8 months ago

      Hi S Yamase!
      Thank you for the nice comment and rating. Yes youre right, its slower but I recommend all to use MD because its specialized for Cloth in 3D ....and Simply Cloth is just an alternative to work inside Blender.
      To your cons:
      1. Go to Pin Layers System and pin something, and pin some selection and open up the layer. There you can add a Hook ;)
      2. Changes of UI was an test and im not happy with this = youre right here! Next Update will fix some of this "changes" and dissorientations...

      All the best and Thank you!

      Vjaceslav Tissen

  • Adam
    9 months ago

    As many have already mentioned - not only is this add-on incredibly useful and fun to play with, the developer's support is next level. I purchased "Simply Cloth Pro + Asset Library" back in 2021 and recently had an issue updating to the latest version. I reached out to Vjaceslav and he resolved my issue almost immediately.

    Amazing product + amazing support = 10 out of 5

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      8 months ago

      Thank you Adam! Im happy you understand the value of support and the addon. Thank you for the nice comment and rating! All the best!

  • yakumoreo
    9 months ago

    I see so much potential in Simply Cloth Pro.
    I especially like the recent addition of "Draw Cloth".
    I also use Marvelous Designer, but Simply Cloth Pro has become indispensable.
    The developer has been prompt and courteous in replying to my questions.
    Having helpful support even after purchase is very important for long term use.
    I am also glad that Japanese documentation is available.
    (It would be better if the documentation was updated to the latest version)
    I am looking forward to your future development!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      8 months ago

      Thank you Yakumoreo for the great comment and your rating! Im happy you like it and understand it.

  • Tony
    10 months ago

    Version 3.1

    Unintuitive UI
    >Half of the panels are used for titles, where the buttons have the same name ( ex: half panel text (Sculpt) the other half button ( Sculpt Action )
    >Order of actions besides the cloth applying and pause/resume are all over the place.
    >You can't hide most of the sub-panels that you won't use, I find myself often not finding what button I want.

    Some shortcut functions don't work
    >Would be nice to have the actual functions when they get modified noted in an updated docs or somewhere so people with the version 4.0 know what to do.
    >What's with the value option in the sewing function? There's no mention of that anywhere in docs.
    >The report problem form is disabled, but at least it's still there.

    Poor documentation
    >Basic stuff is there, but there's no general troubleshooting for most common cases, probably a reason for users that wasted their time to buy their presets add-on.
    >I don't believe scattering through a whole discord server to find a similar case in order to fix a problem should be an excuse for having an outdated docs.

    Wasting too much time
    >I am wasting a lot of time troubleshooting the add-on's modifiers and remesh options on good quad topo characters which makes no sense considering I kept the options and modifiers as instructed/suggested by docs provided.
    >Most times I was better off sculpting.


    Hopefully the add-on owner with 12500 sales can at least afford to get someone to note his add-on's updates and modifications, like the other more complex add-ons for basic stuff like hotkey functions.
    >I had quite the giggles on setting a value more than 10000 on the create_sewing function.

    I don't find this to be an option for making clothes because it hasn't really changed much in the past 2 years since I bought it.
    >This time I've managed to salvage two garments, the presets are nice, thank you ..?

    I have to go back to burning money on clo3d.

    Keep the change and have good day.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thank you Tony for the detailed commentary and the bad rating. The addon is frequently updating and changing to the needs of new versions of Blender. Thats why its perhaps not in best "UI" situation at the moment. Im sorry you have bad experience. I wish, you get a refund, so you get something back from your lost time...

      All the best
      Vjaceslav Tissen

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  • Simply Cloth Lite - Basic Functionality

  • Simply Cloth Studio- Full Functionality

  • Simply Cloth Studio Addon + Cut & Sewing Pattern Asset Library

  • Full commercial use for max. 3 seats in each industry sector. Simply Cloth Studio & Cut & Sew Pattern Library


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Sales 14500+
123 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL