This item has an average rating of 5 from 57 ratings by the community.
8 days ago
Thank you so much for creating this. Since freenalce and blender are my only means of income you literally saved my life. I love you.
3 months ago
It's so great to make it into an add-on with the UI you want.
It currently supports up to 4.2, but I hope it supports 4.3 as well.
It's such a great add-on, so I hope it will be updated steadily in the future.
Thank you for making such a great add-on.
Also, it seems really cheap compared to the powerful functions of the add-on.
Always be happy.
Bassem Adel
11 months ago
This addon opened many houses 😁❤️
Very productive and impressivley user friendly , the best user for Addon interface design and quick to pick operators , and it actually works stable enough to finalize your product , yet great community
Abed al rahman
12 months ago
The most powerful add on in existence 🔥🔥
it disserves more than 24$ tbh :)
user 1245743
about 1 year ago
I really suggest this awesome addon. This addon can almost make any type of addon, even if you don't know coding, and it is easy to use. Words are not enough to describe this addon. Keep up the good work :D
Alexis Rivera
about 1 year ago
This is the best addon to create addons, it's just a piece of art. I have been using for months and it's great!
over 1 year ago
Great addon! But has quite a few bugs in recent versions.
Joshua Knauber
about 1 year ago
Make sure to update to the newest version, there have been quite a few bugfix updates recently.
Nick Brady
over 1 year ago
Fantastic addon! After 2 weeks of use, I'm extremely happy with the addon, despite a few minor bumps.Review Preface: I'm somewhat amateur with Python but a lifelong programmer, and have developed a few small addons in the regular Python Blender scripting before trying this addon.PROS:- Interface/Layout (5/5): Setting up interface elements couldn't be easier. I found this such a cumbersome process in python and it's extremely nice to be able to very quickly iterate and try different layouts and develop the exact UX/UI you want.- Comprehensive Blender API functionality (4/5): There is nothing you can't do with this add-on that Blender Python scripting can do, and much of it is a lot easier and quicker, and it organizes, packages and exports your addons very cleanly. There is some odd obfuscation of certain very simple tasks that took me a little bit more time searching through the documentation (WATCH THE VIDEO SERIES here: to figure out, but it's ALL there, and you can always run pure python functions if needed.- Ease of Use/Learning Curve (4/5): It's extremely easy to learn how to setup your interface and do lots of simpler tasks, but when it comes to some more advanced functionality, searching through and understanding the Blend Data window and how to utilize it is quite daunting at first but becomes a easier once you're well acquainted with it.- Price: (5/5) $24 is well worth it and I foresee myself using this add-on for any python scripting in the future.CONS:- Some crashes and instability still, but there is major improvement in this area recently on Blender 4.0.1 and Serpens 3.3.2.- Obfuscation: Especially with a few very simple and common tasks, if you're coming from a lack of programming experience, or very experienced, you might struggle with Serpen's methodology a bit. This could be my lack of python specific experience, but for example I struggled to figure out how to perform equality operations and had to ask in the discord, the node I was looking for is "Compare," used for all ==,!=, <, > equality operations. Why it doesn't show up under a node search for "Equals, Equal to" or "==", etc. is baffling to me but hey the discord is very friendly and helpful :)Take these cons with a grain of salt though, and buy this addon!
Jack Frost
over 1 year ago
The documentation is stored using notion so that it cannot be read using the browser translation function, which is very difficult for non-English speaking users.
Documentation is not up to date and some of the nodes shown in the images are no longer available.
Some nodes are not available at all, such as Frame
I'm familiar with UE blueprints and have basic experience with Blender, but this plugin is as difficult to use as all the other node features of Blender, maybe it's not the plugin's fault that I seem to need to understand Blender's internal APIs first, whereas UE blueprints have no such problems at all
I can use UE blueprints with almost nothing more than a little basic programming common sense, and this plugin doesn't, and I can't see at all what any of the nodes in this plugin's functionality can do
Joshua Knauber
over 1 year ago
Notion isn't ideal for translation but there are browser extensions to still translate it.
The documentation is up to date, you might be on an old version of the addon if it's not. If you find any issues please report them.
Frames are available, not sure where you're getting that from.
For the difficulty, Serpens is meant to help you understand the blender API. There is some abstraction, but you still need to learn some things. The more experience you have with blender, the easier it should be to pick up. There's also plenty of videos and help in the discord for specific issues.