Roof Tiles Generator 1.0
Can I use my own Tile Mesh in Roof Tiles Generator?
Yes, you can model your own tile and use it in the Roof Tiles Generator. There are some requirements for the model:
- Tile model should be manifold. A manifold mesh is a mesh in which the structure of the connected faces in a closed volume will always point the normals (and their surfaces) to the outside or to the inside of the mesh without any overlaps.
- It is recommended to place tile the way it "lies" on XY plane (horizontal) and its length is along Y axis.
- Tile model should be unwrapped manualy and the UV Map name should be "uvmap".
- Make sure Scale and Rotation transforms are applied.
Keep in mind! Higher density of the mesh - more time it takes for Geometry Node to calculate and build the roof. It is recommended to keep the tile mesh as low poly as possible.
If performalnce is low - convert roof with Geometry Node modifier to mesh when you are happy with the result.
If you want to change the shape of the roof - switch off Geometry Node for the viewport.
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