Render Raw - Pixel Perfect Color Correction & Effects

by Orange Turbine in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 23 ratings by the community.

  • Nick
    3 months ago

    Great addon, makes renders really beautiful in just few clicks. Love included presets!
    I don't know much about color grading, but your plugin doing all heavy lifting for me.
    Not 5 starts because blender sometimes crashes while rendering animation after about 30-50 frames. Crash log points to your plugin. I can provide full info, just message me.

    • Orange Turbine

      3 months ago

      Ah yes, please message me with the details! You can use the 'Ask a Question' button below the life preserver on the product page, or email us at orangeturbine at Would love the opportunity to get that fixed.

  • Mikael Rouca
    4 months ago

    Great addon ! Excellent value for money !
    Could be improved on a few points : a check box for every setting group (as already done for Values, Colors and Effects), LUT and better algorithms (for Values at least).

    • Orange Turbine

      3 months ago

      Thanks for the feedback! Please email me and let me know where the current value algorithms aren't holding up and I'll see what I can do to improve them.

  • jakub bak
    4 months ago

    Seem like helpfull tool but weird bugs happen. I.e. presets are the only way to save your settings, and are independent of the file as ".rr" files, but somehow the addon behaves like file dependent: on file A changing preset changes the values, but on file B it doesn't. "Refresh Node Tree" or "Reset Scene Color Settings" doesn't fix anything, as well as disabling & re-enabling the addon.
    "Report an issue" button leads to "Page not found", thus I'm writing it here, frustrated.

    • Orange Turbine

      4 months ago

      Ah thank you for letting me know! If you are able to share an example file where it does not work, can you please message me using the Blender Market creator support system (button below the big live preserver icon on the bottom right of any product) or email orangeturbine(at) If I can replicate the issue, I will fix it. ~Jonathan

  • Andrew McIntosh
    4 months ago

    Awesome add-on! Great customer support from the creator! A must for working with AGX in blender. Tons of color adjustments and effects to get just the look you want. Working with blender's AGX profile in DaVinci is a nightmare so if you want to save loads of time color correcting in Blender you need this! Also regarding the reviews that complain that this add-on is too slow when rendering, in Blender 4.2 you can now use your GPU for compositing and it renders lightning fast!

  • Torsten Wagner
    5 months ago

    Wow. Lightroom directly in Blender. That is a huge timesaver, cuase it saves the process of editing the image after every rerender. It just comes out of the box. :)
    One of the most usefull addons i have bought so far.

  • Hanterdro
    5 months ago

    Definitely the best compositor add-on I've tried.

    As someone who has no experience with Lightroom, this addon is more difficult to use than similar addons for color grading, but the effects (especially noise) are the best you can get right now.

    Keep Up the Good Work!

  • Kaleido
    6 months ago

    Excellent product! Only reason it doesn't get 5 star is lack of luts implementation and how it forces you to keep the compositor on at all times because it looks too dark otherwise, and you have to keep turning it on and off.

    It should have a function to only enable the raw transform and comp nodes when the compositor is set to always and through camera, and return to the normal filmic or RGB or agx when viewport compositor is set to off.

    • Orange Turbine

      6 months ago

      Thanks for the review! Each 3D viewport can have a different compositor option, which makes a setting like that a lot more complicated than it appears at first, but I will try to make it a bit smarter and more convenient in future versions.

  • Samuel Lemmon
    6 months ago

    The addon can only be described as life changing. I cannot go back from this workflow and having this level of granular color correction in the viewport is now an essential part of my workflow!

  • N-Gon Models
    7 months ago

    Great time saver!

    • Orange Turbine

      7 months ago

      Thanks! Let me know if there's anything we can do to earn that last star!

  • William Oglesby
    7 months ago

    Agree with Romain, Although one Caveat, the effects are loaded and then operate almost instantly in viewport... but then take forever on render post process. I can render the same samples and see exactly what I want in the viewport very quickly, but then if I go to render, I might get a 5 second frame, and then a 1 minute long process time for the plugin?

    • Orange Turbine

      7 months ago

      Hey, thanks for the review! The compositor in Blender 4.2 has been sped up significantly, and if you switch it over to the GPU compositor, you'll get the exact same near-instant processing time that you see in the viewport. The slower behavior in 4.1 is due to the render compositor only being able to use the CPU.

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Sales 1100+
23 ratings
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL