Render Manager Addon Renderset

by polygoniq in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 36 ratings by the community.

  • aerocool
    2 days ago

    It reduces the loading of the heavy scene, and really saves my life!
    everything is good, but one function that I need is "store property of modifier"
    I hope this function is coming soon.

  • Felix
    5 days ago


  • Louis Laurents
    2 months ago

    Overall one of the most useful add-ons I've purchased. They changed what context properties are saved and broke all of my old projects from 1.9 to 2.0 having to go into every file and save properties that were saved before is frustrating. Rendering out all the contexts(Scenes) can be buggy and fails and then you have to switch to manually rendering each one which is frustrating. Their discord is helpful though not a fan of discord. Its live all the time making changes to anything is saved automatically when in my opinion, you should be able to save changes when you need to like a save or refresh button per scene/Context. Creating a new context duplicates the last one and switching that from a still to animation tends to break rendering out all the states. Then you have to just render them out one at a time. or go through logs and head over to discord. I find that to be a waste of time. Its worth the price maybe more. I have reservations about whether they remove core functionality from previous versions that break old files. I make products for sale and once a file is done that does not mean Its really done, customers may ask for extra options and its important render regions are saved. So the new product renders are exactly the same size as I do alot of masking and small regions. In the end I will have make a version of this for my own needs.

  • jongwon
    3 months ago

    The Renderset add-on has significantly reduced my rendering time, and I absolutely love it. I have managed to understand most of its features, but I would like to perfect my use of it through a few inquiries.

    1. I have a general idea of how to render the collections I want, but is it possible to assign specific collections to render based on different contexts? For instance, if I have Context 1 and Context 2, I’d like Context 1 to render only Collection A and Context 2 to render only Collection B. Currently, whenever I create a new context, I manually toggle collections on and off, which becomes tedious for batch operations. Is there documentation or an explanation on how to automate or simplify this?

    2. I’ve tried changing multiple contexts at once, but the process feels a bit confusing. If there are any videos or documentation that explain this feature in detail, it would be incredibly helpful.

    Lastly, I have a suggestion: When renaming a context, pressing F2 doesn’t allow me to edit the name directly, which feels a bit inconvenient. Instead, I have to double-click with the mouse each time to rename it. Additionally, when I perform multiple rendering tasks, it would be great if the renders could be automatically saved in separate folders based on context names. Currently, all renders are saved in a single folder with file names reflecting the context names.

    Despite these minor issues, this add-on has saved me an incredible amount of time. Thank you for creating such a fantastic tool!

  • Toni Bratincevic
    3 months ago

    This is one of the essential tools in my library when I need to render multiple cameras with different resolutions, render settings etc. It is very easy to setup and start using. However it is a bit confusing when copying all the parameters from one Camera pass (context) to a different ones, I wish there is a better UI for this. Also, coming from a professional 3D environment where I used many different Render managers in the past, I always had to do manual pass (context in renderset pro) updating when needed, none of the managers that I used was doing that automatically, but for some reason this one does that, and because of that it is very easy to break your setup by not being careful. I wish there is a way, once we create initial render, to lock your context and then do right click > load or right click > update as needed. That way I would not worry about accidentally unhiding a layer that was just meant to be used temporarily. But since this is the only tool in Blender that is serving my needs of a solid pass manager I will give it 5/5 since it saved me so much time already. Nice work, I hope it gets better over time!

  • Vladimir
    3 months ago

    Just in case anyone is trying to find a solution to queue renders with different materials for the same model – don't buy it.

    This add-on can't do this. Despite claiming to store materials, if you change the material for the model, it will be changed across all contexts in the list.

    I thought this would be a must-have feature for a render queue add-on, but apparently, it’s not. It has some features, but I find them completely useless because they can be achieved using regular Blender tools like scenes and view layers.

    For me, it was just a waste of money. I gave it 1 star due to the lack of documentation, instructions, and an unclear list of features.

    • polygoniq

      3 months ago

      Hello Vladimir,

      renderset indeed can store materials per context, you just need to tell it to do so. All you need to do is right click material and select 'Store Property'

      I do not think giving one star is fair, the feature you are looking for is there, it is also documented in our official documentation:

      we also have comprehensive video tutorial series with chapter that specifically describes what you are looking for:

      Lastly we have active help-desk support both here and on our discord

      where users can reach us with any issues they have with our product.

      I would like to ask you to reconsider your 1 star review.

      Have a nice day.

  • Alex
    5 months ago

    If you're an archviz artist like me this is definitely a must have!

    I use it to render massive batches of stills at once.
    The ability to save almost any parameter per view is absolutely amazing, besides saving the light setup and camera settings you can also save other things such as the position of trees, people or other assets.
    With this tool there is no need for splitting views into separate files anymore, this saves a ton of hard drive space.
    Batch rendering works great with custom paths and names, this is also a major time saver.

    Kudos to the team, great work on this one!

  • John Christian
    6 months ago

    Renderset 2.0 makes blender more powerful! Before I would manually separate every element in a scene in order to have different composition alternatives or for later compositing. Then I would render it , wait and re-render again with different elements, only to completely forget what I had chosen to tick on/off or render previously, getting tangled up in a real mess. Not particularly comfortable with render layers in the compositor either tbh. Renderset 2.0 just takes all that pain away. I had some bugs to start with, but that was resolved within hours thanks to the quick developer team. It does what it say it does, is easy to use and the support is brilliant. It's going to save me weeks of tedious work in the future. Hats off

  • Matt Mitacek
    6 months ago

    I was waiting for an add-on like this for ages! Coming from C4D, Renderset exceeds it's Takes. I love the posibility of automatic file naming and an opportunity for different render settings and frame range for each context. Since 2.0 is out, it's part of every project I'm working on. Also the customer support is awesome. Thanks Polygoniq!

  • Oliver Burger
    6 months ago

    An Essential Tool for Every Blender Artist – I use Renderset daily, and I’m convinced it’s the best solution for rendering extensive projects in Blender. The ability to manage different settings, output sizes, and exposure adjustments has saved me countless hours of work. The support team on Discord is also incredibly friendly, quick, and solution-oriented. They successfully resolved an issue I had with the latest release on my Mac version of the extension.

    100% recommended!

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  • non-commercial single-seat license +future updates

  • commercial multi seat license, 2 showcase scenes +future updates

  • commercial single seat license, 1 showcase scene +future updates


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Sales 1900+
36 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL