Render Back
Updated Product Information for Render Back v2.1
Render Back is a Blender add-on that allows you to perform 'command line rendering' without the hassle of modifying your script for each project. This method can significantly boost rendering time by utilizing the console to render your scene, bypassing the Blender UI, and freeing up more processing power. This is particularly beneficial if you're working with limited hardware resources.
What's New in Version 2.1
Completion Actions: Added options to specify post-render actions such as
, orShutdown
to be automatically executed after the render is complete. - Open Directory on Completion: New option to automatically open the file directory where the rendered files are saved after the rendering process finishes.
- Batch File Execution: The add-on now generates a batch file to handle the rendering process and any post-render actions, allowing for more flexibility and customization.
- System Notifications: Introduced system notifications to alert the user when rendering is complete.
- Refined Windows Compatibility: Improved the rendering process on Windows by utilizing a batch file for command execution in a new console window.
- Faster Rendering: Utilizes command line rendering, which is generally faster as it doesn't load the Blender UI.
- User-Friendly Interface: Provides a simple, intuitive panel within Blender to specify and manage rendering options.
- Supports Multiple Render Types: Capable of rendering both animations and single images.
- System Notifications & Actions: Can send a system notification when rendering is complete, and perform actions like hibernating, sleeping, or shutting down the computer after the render.
- Batch File Execution: Creates and runs a batch file for rendering, allowing for additional system-level customizations.
- Windows only: The add-on has been mainly developed and tested on Windows, and has no support for other operating systems.
Road Map for Future Plugin Features
System Notification When Rendering Is Done, this has been completed and is available on the current version of the add-on.
Support for other operating systems
Add-on Information
- Name: Render Back
- Author: Elton Matiwane
- Version: 2.1
- Blender Version: 2.80 and above
- Location: Output properties panel
- Description: Faster renders using command line instead of direct renders from Blender
- Category: Output
- Documentation URL: Render Back Documentation
- License: GPL
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