Quick Landscape

by Anindya Jana in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 6 ratings by the community.

  • Zen Hero
    2 months ago

    A tip for those having installation issues, make sure you have more than 30GB of free space on your hard drive, the file is large to unzip and then consider the space you will occupy when installing the addon in Blender, if you don't have enough storage space you probably won't even be able to install it or you won't be able to view the terrains correctly. It worked fluently for me in Blender 4.3.0 using EEVEE + Raytracing, I have a Macbook M1 PRO (14-core GPU, 16GB RAM).

  • aharon
    10 months ago

    I'm feeling quite disheartened by my experience with the Pro version of this add-on. Despite my earnest attempts to install it as instructed, I've encountered ongoing difficulties. Unfortunately, despite reaching out to the creator four times, I haven't received any response, which has left me feeling rather abandoned. The constant "unexpected end of data" message has made the process particularly challenging. Overall, this has been a rather painful experience, and I would urge others considering this add-on to be aware of these potential challenges and the lack of support available.

  • joe spadaford
    12 months ago

    great in blender world creator alternative with a developer that is very respective to feedback. I sent him of a landscape type that i use a lot and shortly there after he added it into his update. I could not believe it. What a guy! The interface is intuitive and is designed to solve a problem. Keep supporting him so he can bring more good stuff.

  • Sunlite
    over 1 year ago

    The first time after installing I could not get the adjustments work. After upgrading to the latest Blender version and reinstalling the addon everything is working just fine.

  • Danijel Terzic
    over 1 year ago

    Ich habe das Produkt für 50 Euro gekauft, danach installiert.. es funktioniert nicht man kann keine Einstellungen vornehmen und eine Fehlermeldung erscheint (das Panel wird nicht angezeigt). Die geladene Grafik der Landschaft ist extrem verpixelt. Ich habe den Vertreiber des Addons angeschrieben und um Hilfe gebeten aber es kam keine Rückmeldung.. ich bin enttäuscht und meine 50 Euro sind weg.

  • Fred Boks
    over 1 year ago

    Great product! Good quality exactly the addon I was looking for.
    Landscapes are nice and detailed, the 2 fog options are brilliant because they are also simple (and quick) to use and the result is fantastic.

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Sales 200+
6 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL