This item has an average rating of 5 from 16 ratings by the community.
over 3 years ago
Simply Perfect! I love the control of the color.. great for a speed mood design
over 3 years ago
Finally! Finally, a light addon that delivers, instead of over-sells. You get a super small file and it gives you everything you need. I´m not aware of any other add-on that creates light, non-volumetric could in Cycles and the option to bake your sky as HDR. This is an add-on I would buy again. Thanks!!
picto filmo
over 3 years ago
Thank you Reinhard
over 3 years ago
Got it. Do not regret it. Like always. He really focuses on ease of use(I call it ease of life) stuff. And for the price. Comeoooon
picto filmo
over 3 years ago
Thanks Steffen :)
over 3 years ago
Simple to use, very good results in a few clicks, love it!
but please allow us to rename the N-panel tab: "Procedural HDR Lighting" eats up alot of an already crammed space (this is for every addon developer out there, till blender finds a "proper" solution) I renamed mine "Pr.HDR" in the script but an option in the preferences would be much more convenient :)
picto filmo
over 3 years ago
Thanks Andrea. I actually think about moving the addon in the World tab instead of viewport tools. Cause yes... so many addon pile up in the viewport and this one is a World tool.
Doug Jutz
over 3 years ago
Awesome addon for quickly creating a sky or studio lighting. It would be nice to be able to save presets once you dial in all of the settings.
picto filmo
over 3 years ago
Thanks Doug! saving presets is in the todo list ;)
ken takahashi
over 3 years ago
The file is strange.
picto filmo
over 3 years ago
Sorry for the download issues due to Blendermarket recent update. I fixed it. Can you try again now and review the addon you didn't tried yet. Thanks