Procedural Alleys

by Difffuse Studio in Modifier Setups

Can I export as FBX or other formats?

When we started this project, our plan was not to use these alleys outside of Blender. However, we have received several messages from people who want to export in FBX or other formats to use the alleys in Unreal or Unity.

Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to export in FBX or other formats because some assets use Blender shader nodes, which are not recognized by file formats such as FBX. Additionally, there are some other problems related to UVs, objects with transparency, and more.

How to install / How to use

To get started, simply unzip the zip file, which includes the Blender project. From there, you can either append the building objects to your scene or open the original Procedural Alleys file and copy the alleys to your scene. Either way, all the collections used by the geometry nodes will be copied to your project. We recommend that you move all of these collections into a new one and hide it.

Important note: If you attempt to copy or append another alley, the same collections will be copied again, which can be inefficient. Instead, we suggest duplicating the alley you already have in the scene and then modifying the geometry nodes parameters as needed.

Can I add Procedural Alleys to my asset browser?

While we did run some tests, some instances of the geometry nodes do not appear in the correct place when you use the Append or Append (Reuse data) mode. It works with the link mode, but you cannot modify the geometry nodes parameters. The best way to use it is as we explained in the "How to install/How to use" question.

Does it work with Eevee?

Regarding Eevee compatibility, you can use the pack with both Eevee and Cycles.

Is "Procedural Alleys" compatible with previous versions of Blender?

This pack was made in Blender 3.4. As far as compatibility with previous versions is concerned, we have been able to verify that everything works except for the interiors of the apartments, which use shader nodes to generate a sense of perspective and depth on a plane without using additional geometry. The rest of the pack works correctly.


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Sales 3200+
33 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL