Pro-Lighting: Studio

Blender Guru in Render Setups

Quick: How to Install

1. Open Blender

2. Go to File>User Preferences>Addons

3. At the bottom of the screen press Install from File

4. Locate and select the zip called

5. Click the checkbox to enable the addon

6. Press the dropdown arrow to see more options.

7. Click Install Assets

8. Select all 5 zip files

9. Press Install

10. Done! You should now see Pro-Lighting Studio in the World Panel

Version 1.2 - Blender 2.8 Update

ProLighting Studio 1.2 now supports Blender 2.8+. Please note, it may have a small system message on Blender 2.79 saying “the addon was made for a newer version of blender”, but should still function. If you run into any issues please revert to version 1.1 for Blender 2.79.
We do not recommend using version 1.2 on older versions of Blender (eg 2.75 or earlier) as it may not function correctly. 

Update: Version 1.2.7 released - Fixes an issue with mesh lights not being correctly setup for various lighting configurations.


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Sales 4500+
45 ratings
Published almost 9 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.9, 2.8, 2.7x
License Royalty Free
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