This yet simple but powerfull tool script will save you a lot of time when creating your spritesheet animations!
With the concept of model once render all, you'll be able to create multiple angle sprites with a single click away.
BLENDER 2.8x / 2.9x
Available Export Features
- Rotation Steps
- Render Target
- Sprite Preset ( 4 Directions, 8 Directions, Front-Only, etc... )
- [NEW] Spritesheet Tool For Ease Packing Sprites Right Inside Blender
- Custom Rotation
- Custom Sprite Size
- Custom Sprite Files Name
- Optional Path
- Quick Render
- Camera Distance
- Example .blend File Provided
Note: Recommended to run Blender as admin for the first time when using Spritesheet Tool feature on Windows machines.
Simple Installation
Example File Provided
Automate Your Sprite Render Extraction Process Now
Keep in mind that your camera should match within the actual render target mesh as shown in the example file. ( Not out of bounds, otherwise the script won't work )
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If you have multiple objects, you can parent them all to an empty box and select the Empty box as the render target.