This product is dependent on the 0.6 version of MESHMachine
A collection of plugs for MESHmachine. At the moment it counts 50 plugs. A few plugs per month will be added the first year.
Once MESHmachine is updated with the plug-functionality, you will find that making a plug takes quite some time. Building one plug could take 2 to 4 hours. This collection gives you the chance to play with MESHmachine's plug functionality and has some interesting knobs, sliders, buttons to build gadgets as well. And all the plugs are in the following conditions:
- Normals pointing in the right direction.
- No loose geometry
- No Face intersections.
- Where useful, a vertex-group is added called "trnsf". To use: After plugging, go in edit mode > select vertex-group "trnsf" > press Y > Normals >Transfer. This way you don't have to spend time selecting faces for normal-transfer.
- Nearly all plugs have a deformer. Where need I switched it off but it can be turned on.
The first half of the collection is generic plugs and useful when you want to combine them or adjust them yourself. The other half of the plugs are more specific and I expect they can be very useful, especially for making gadgets and electronics like radio's and synthesizers.
A few notes:
1) There is one issue known so far; Plug #42 is a joystick and that seems to be the only plug that doesn't work quite well out of the box, and needs some attention.
2) There is a UV-meter but no cover included. This will be added later once I get documentation in how to use the occluder.
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- Or you can contact me on Twitter: @newmediasupply.
Update 8 November 2018:
I added a fourteen other plugs. A few of them are Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
See: for some examples rendered out.
The plugs added are:
You can find these plugs in the NMS2.ZIP