Pattern Designer

Pierre Lazarevic in Modifier Setups

Is Pattern Designer destined to evolve?

I have ideas to improve it, stay tuned by following me on my socials medias :)

How to use Pattern Designer?

I provided a full documentation when you buy the product, you can also check my YouTube channel for a complete tutorial on how the nodegroup is working.

Is it working in Eevee?

Yeah it is! Eevee or material preview is nice to have a direct feedback while designing your pattern. But I recommand using cycles for the rendering.The reason lie in the fact that realtime renders in blender let appear artefacts sometimes.

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Sales 1000+
15 ratings
Published 12 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free
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