Onion Skin Tools For Blender

Joel's Blender Addons Store in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 30 ratings by the community.

  • luddensd
    about 2 months ago

    Add a button to make the extra frames low-poly/LOD meshes like video games use. Also, it would be sick if I could move a bone around and have the rest of the onion frames update in real time. Would also be sick if you made it performant. :)

  • Chris
    11 months ago

    Drops my viewport frames when active by a significant amount. Any workaround?

    • Joel

      11 months ago

      Hi there! There isn’t really a workaround per se for frame rates dropping when the onion skinning is active and viewport updating is still enabled. I’ve added a button at the bottom of the UI to disable viewport updating of the onion skinning when the frame changes; this updating is what causes the drop in fps, so using this button to temporarily disable it should get you your fps back.

  • jordal
    about 1 year ago

    Working good, thanks.

    • Joel

      about 1 year ago

      Hi there! I'm glad it's working well for you so far! Please feel free to message me if you run into any issues or have any requests or ideas you might like to share.

  • Christian Lazo
    over 2 years ago

    Hello. This doesn't work in the latest version of Blender 3.2.2. Do you have any solution?

  • Matheus
    over 2 years ago

    Seriously, I expected this to help a lot, but OMG, this is just insane. (First purchase on Blender Market, and it was soo worth it). Only thing that would help improve it even more, would be having a bit more performance on the Viewport Update option, cause I keep having to toggle the OnionSkin Objects to preview how the animation is going. //Again, thanks a lot for the addon, insanely useful. =)

  • Francis
    almost 3 years ago

    I was never really was a fan of onions, when I need to cut onions for a recipe I always end up sobbing and crying. It really feels bad in general. But this addon, no sir, no tears were shed. I took a chance and tried to use the addon in Blender 3.1.2 and it worked flawlessly. Everything is intuitive and to the point. I noticed a lot of the ideas and recommendations from the review section got added as features. It's nice to know that the community is being listened to. Fantastic work!

  • Nataliia Hodovana
    about 3 years ago

    Hope you update it for Blender 3.0.
    It is one of the best add-on I have.

  • Angelo Caramanica
    over 3 years ago

    I can confirm that the auto update has big problems. It stuck for 10, 20 or even more seconds when switching from key to key.
    Tested with Rain's 2.3 rig in the latest version of Blender (2.93.2). Using "on keyrames only" on 6 poses, just so as not to weigh down the scene.
    Is there anything I'm ignoring ?!
    thanks :D

  • J Estra
    almost 4 years ago

    I noticed that this is similar to animextras, what's the difference between the two?

    • Joel

      almost 4 years ago

      Hi Jude! I'm gonna give you the TL;DR up front :D I'm not sure. Mine was developed first, I believe my ideas have generally been better, and I do my best to respond to questions, problems, and feature requests.

      To be honest with you, I hadn't noticed the addon in the link you provided. It looks like development on that addon started in November of last year; that seems to be when the first commits were made to the repository. I'm willing to risk sounding just a tad cocky here ;) I developed my addon four years ago and made it available here; to my knowledge, at that time there was only one previous attempt at doing something similar in Blender and that project had long since been abandoned, so I decided to fill that gap in Blender's functionality. The idea was basically to port the premise of a tool I'd used in Maya over to Blender - the idea of 3D DAC onion skinning did not originate with me, I humbly admit. Not long after, I began to see some fairly cynical and honestly unnecessarily nasty comments about my effort over on the BA forum and some users began making some similar but clumsy addons publicly available to compete. That's fine with me; it's the nature of things. Four years later, there are several similar addons here on the Blender Market, as well as some public repositories apparently. That's the way of the world - ideas spread rapidly!

      So I'm not a salesman; I'm an artist and a tinkerer. I like to come up with neat tools that help people, and I try to treat people with dignity and respect; when users of my addons need help, I try to reply quickly and get fixes or viable feature requests out to them nearly as fast. Someone may, or may not, also get that from other developers; I can't be sure what others are about, but I know what I'm about. My apologies for the long reply! It was a good question and I felt it deserved a thorough answer :)

  • Kat Curry
    almost 4 years ago

    I was delightfully surprised to see it work in 2.92 as there was a caution against that. The auto update did not seem to work, and the frame number text was bunched up and unreadable. Happy to report no crashing on repeated re-running of various ranges in my scene. Despite the frame text and the auto-update issue, it's still incredibly useful as it is! Thanks so much for putting the effort in to build it! :-)

    • Joel

      almost 4 years ago

      Hi Kat! I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with the auto-update function. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that it doesn't seem to work. I'm not seeing any issues with it; it seems to work just fine for me. Can you elaborate on the issue you're experiencing and send me a message so we can get it sorted out?

      I had posted a warning about using the addon with 2.91.2 (the "update" version that came out after 2.91.0), but not with 2.92. 2.91 and 2.92 are fully supported, but 2.91.2 never was. There were show-stopping issues with that particular version of Blender. I forgot that was still up on the product page :) I've just removed that.

      Just to touch on the frame number function - that was primarily designed to be used with arbitrarily onion-skinned single frames (say, key poses), to give a visual reminder of what frame numbers those onion-skinned poses are on.

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Sales 1800+
30 ratings
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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