

  • Start Frame: The frame that the smears will start on. Default: 0
  • End Frame: The frame that the smears will end on. Default: 50
  • Frame Step: How many frames before the next smear is calculated. A frame step of one means every frame will be calculated. Default: 1
  • Multiplier: How much influence the smears have. Default: 1.0
  • Mode: The mode that controls how the smears behave. Default: 1
  • Weight Group Name: The name of the weight group used to control displacement. If the name is incorrect, weights will not bake correctly


  • Clear All Shape Keys: Clears every shape key on the selected object except for Basis. This will affect all shape keys.
  • Clear Selected Shape Keys: Clears every shape key after the Start Frame. This will affect all shape keys.
  • Clear All Keyframes: Clears every shape key keyframe on the selected object from the start to the end of the timeline. This will leave normal keyframes alone
  • Clear Selected Keyframes: Clears every shape key keyframe from the start to the end frame. This will leave normal keyframes alone.
  • Create Smears: Creates smears for all frames between the start and end frame using the frame step. This will automatically clear the keyframes and shape keys needed to do the calculations.
  • Bake Weights: Uses the current state of the specified weight group to affect future smears until cleared or rebaked.
  • Clear Weights: Clears all influence that baked weight groups have on smears.

Scripting Data:

  • UI Data: User input data can be accessed through getting mfx_data from any scene object (Ex. bpy.context.scene.mfx_data)
  • Object Velocities and Weights: Baked frame velocities can be accessed by indexing either mfx_frame_velocities or mfx_weights from any object (Ex. bpy.context.active_object["mfx_frame_velocities"] )
  • If you intend on using the addon in any monetized projects, the commercial use package is required. There are no differences in content other than the name of the addon. Team size or revenue does not matter.

  • Standard use for anyone who just wants to use the addon.


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Sales 100+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9
License Creative Commons
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bnpr animation NPR stylization Scripting stylized tool