Moonscapes: High Resolution Scifi Texture Pack

Midge "Mantissa" Sinnaeve in Surfacing

The pack contains 15 sets of textures, each one has a Diffuse, Displacement, Roughness, Normal and Mask map. Generally, you'll only need the Diffuse, Roughness and Displacement maps combined in to a Diffuse Shader in Blender for a good result. The Normal and Mask maps are extras included in the pack for you to experiment with.

Due to the 16K resolution of the textures, I've split up the downloads in to each individual set. The total size is about 23GB, so if you're on a slow connection you can download the PDF first to figure out which texture set you want to use for your project.

The best way to set things up is to use a Diffuse shader in Blender with a bit of roughness (or the Roughness map) to simulate the coarse sand that can be found on the moon's surface. Together with the displacement map you'll already get extremely detailed results. If you need just a little more. you can always use the Diffuse map in the bump slot of the shader. Check out the image below for a demo of how things were set up for the promo video.

The textures were created with World Creator, and this pack includes the original presets if you'd like to create your own variations.

The included PDF has an overview of each included texture, it's best to start there.


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Sales 200+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License Creative Commons