This item has an average rating of 5 from 4 ratings by the community.
Frank Hilton
about 2 years ago
After I suffered a stroke in 2019, I became a disabled Blender hobbyist. I am still disabled. So, I look for addons that will save me neuropathy pain in my hands. And this addon is one of them.
Even if you are not disabled, using Mesh Heal will save you a load of time cleaning up mesh that would otherwise need to be done by hand.
This addon is simple to use. And even though trying to clean very complex mesh that is a real mess may be difficult with any "cleaner" mesh addon. Mesh Heal will take a lot of scenarios nicely.
I highly recommend this addon. It saves me a lot of time.
Sahin Ersoz
about 2 years ago
Thanks, Frank! :)
erik bospoort
about 2 years ago
five stars for a good addon, and thanx for the excellent customer service
Sahin Ersoz
about 1 year ago
Thank you, erik! :)
Henrik Cederblad
about 2 years ago
I love novel tools like this one! Not the very least to make my Maya friends jealous. Very innovative and a great timesaver.
Sahin Ersoz
about 2 years ago
Thank you, Henrik! :)
Jianguo Wong
over 2 years ago
Press twice and all your troubles are gone ( •̀ ω •́ )y