Manage Blender Projects - Mbp

by GilaDDD in Addons

To install the addon, go to Edit > Preferences > Addon > Install. navigate to the addon zip file that you buy and select it.

you should see this window:

Addon settings:
Here you can find your first setting to set up.

"Save \ Load addon setting to the disk"save all the settings of the addon from this panel (Folder structures, default work time, etc.) to the hard drive so you can back them up and use your favorite setting on other computers and other blender versions.

"Add folder when add new project" - if you want, you can check this box and when you make a new project, it will automatically build for you all the folders that you want and save the blender file in the new folders. You can make your own folder structures by writing the folders name that you want in the "Folder structures" field and separate the folders name by a comma. keep in mind that the blender file will be saved in the first folder in the list.

"Default work time" set here your default work time for new projects, so when you create a new project, it will set the starting date for today, and the finish date will be the starting date + the "Default work time" days.

"Reminder before project time over" - will be in the next version.

"Money currency type" - write here your money currency that you are using, so when you create a new project you can select from this list.

"Export the project summery reports..." - export a summary of all your projects data to a csv file, so you can upload it to google sheets and analyze your data (or you can do whatever you want with the data).
the data will be exported to the folder above.

"Export \ import project and client data for backup" - export (or import) all the data the addon needs to ne able to work, you can export it and load the data in other computers or blender versions (it's also recommended to backup your data before updating to a new version of the addon and from time to time).
the data will be exported (or imported) to the folder above.
--It only backs up the data for the addon, it does not backup your projects files!!

Projects panel settings:

1 - Create a new project.

2 - Open the selected project file.

3 - Open the selected project folder.

4 - Delete the selected project.

"Show open project info" - select the current open project from the project list so you can see it's info in the info panel.

Use and analyze exported data:

in this video you can see how to use and analyze the data of the projects that you can export:

Update to V2 and save all the data:

If you moving from V1 to V2 (from the version without the time to the version with the timer), you should follow this step so you don't lose your data:

1. Go to the "edit > preferences > addons" and search for "MBP".
2. open the addon setting and go down, set the folder where you want to export all your data, and then press "Export projects and client data..."

3. Now turn off (or remove) the addon, and then install the new version (2.0)
4. Go to the same panel as in step 2, set the folder to the same folder as before and press "Import projects and client data" (keep in mind that when you press this button, it will remove all of your projects and replace them with the imported projects, so don't forget to backup your projects data before).
5. Close blender and open it again to refresh the data

  • A simple version for non-freelancers. only have a simple projects list (without the client's list). you can add the project name, status, and notes

  • The full version, Best for freelancers


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Sales 60+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL