Lollipop Characters

by Xane Studios in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • Faith Jones
    9 months ago

    Epic! very helpful maker. Gave me some tution and taught me how to make some clothes for my characters. A great collection of characters to animate with in Blender!

  • BVBY
    11 months ago

    each Character models has different type and style. thats make me more Easy to move on another Genre! nice quality dude! go go update!

  • margotblender
    almost 1 year ago

    This is a nice package and I hope for more characters and clothes! I advice to export in fbx to Mixamo. That works better then Obj. But very nice package and easy to use.

  • Diem Van
    about 1 year ago

    oh sale 60$ :(( I bought 2 of your products "Clothes In Motion" and this one, can I get a discount code for the 3rd product for example "Grab it!" :D , your product very cool and you have given quite good support, let's try to develop it even more perfectly <3

    • Alexander

      about 1 year ago

      Hi Diem!
      Thanks so much for your rating and patronage.
      Super glad you're enjoying our products :D
      Kindly send us a message here on the Blendermarket so we can give you our current available coupons for Grab-it and other products :)

  • RBG
    over 1 year ago

    This is not a GROWING Library. This should not exceed 29$ but you realize it after you improve your level in blender. I was a stupid beginner in blender at the time I wasted so much money on this product

    • Alexander

      over 1 year ago

      Hello RBG!
      We sent out an email not long ago explaining what caused the delay for the addition of characters and animals, however we have been adding multiple characters over the past weeks as we are now back on our feet. On many websites, single character rigs sell for up to $50. I understand your frustration, but this pack currently contains 16 fully rigged characters of different styles all with their own customizable cloth libraries (with more being added over time). It also contains a function that allows you to bind clothes and accessories to your character via skin or rig by a single click which very often comes in handy.
      I truly think it's very unfair that you are rating only on the fact that there are not 100 more characters in this pack yet. All the characters in the pack have been listed on the page and upcoming updates are shown on the Live Development Page. There are multiple phases to creating a complete Lollipop character. It takes time.
      There are currently 6 modelled characters and 2 animals pending the next update, but they will be uploaded once the hair grooms and rigs have been perfected for you to use comfortably
      The characters come in fixed styles so that you can customize them to make your own character. The plan was not only for you to use them out of the box. For example; a buff/large sized male might be close to what you need for your project, so you can work based off of the premade male character rig, change his clothes, change his skin, grooming, etc.
      We are trying to make a different style for each character (we are not duplicating characters of the same style just to try to make the pack robust). They are pack of stylized characters + cloth libraries and not a bunch of similar characters.
      Kindly download the update in your orders tab for the additional characters added so far
      You/any customer can send us a message if there's a particular style of character you want in the pack. We have made multiple characters based on customer requests
      Thank you

  • leepitt
    over 1 year ago

    UPDATE is dead

  • AW
    almost 2 years ago

    This feels like mockery. Nine months ago, I was convinced to purchase this plugin based on the promise of new items being added to the collection by the author. However, after almost a year, there has been no progress. I don't think it's a weak product, but I feel disappointed by the unfulfilled promises of library development. Perhaps it would have been better to not make such grand claims in the promotional videos.

  • adam
    over 2 years ago

    I am VERY SATISFIED with the product and the service that comes with it. The creators did a good job.

  • Wim
    over 2 years ago

    Good add-on! Hope it gets some updates soon!

  • Bassem Adel
    over 2 years ago

    Quite Promising addon , I am from the early adopters though I am an architect , and really looking forward for crowd animations to facilitate the process for me

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  • $99

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Sales 300+
Downloads 1100+
13 ratings
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License GPL