This item has an average rating of 4 from 30 ratings by the community.
almost 6 years ago
@bournejr Maybe I know the problem about"Couldn't load assets"
It needs to make sure point to the BATS_asset_file.blend in add-on settings and
like F:\gun\BAT_PBR\BATS_asset_file.blend
It looks like don't support to change language like: ...", line 2637, in execute
bpy.context.scene.bats_properties.materials =
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "材质" not found in ('Material')
Don't select Tooltips and New Data in Translation setting to fix it
I hope this add-on has lots of amazing function and tutorial in the future. Like Mirror Painting、blender2.8 Grease Pencil paint style(alt to draw Line、Shift to smooth draw...) 、Smart mask etc
Sorry, I am not good at in English
Joshua Knauber
almost 6 years ago
I'll send you a message, so we can figure out your problem!
almost 6 years ago
great customer service and product. a few things are missing but im sure they will follow!
almost 6 years ago
I am in agreement with other comments - great in concept, less so in really working. I finally got the addon installed. I understand the author is working on a better installation method. I have problems with the layers - "Couldn't load assets" - even though I have put the BATS_asset_file.blend in another directory and specified that location in the preferences in the addon. I'm willing to wait for improvements - so good luck in getting the addon working - I can see the promise - however, clearly not a 1.0 release - I'd say alpha, perhaps beta.
Joshua Knauber
almost 6 years ago
Youre problem seems to be solved now, and also that's what this version of the add-on is: a beta, just like blender 2.8 is.
With the next update it will move out of that phase and things will get a lot more stable and smooth to work with.
almost 6 years ago
UI is a mess and it seems buggy.
Joshua Knauber
almost 6 years ago
Hey, can you please give some more detailed feedback on how you think the UI could be improved and what bugs you encountered?
Otherwise I can't really do anything about your problems with the add-on!
Juan Mendoza
almost 6 years ago
Good in theory but i tried it and still lost, i will love better documentation or a step by step tutorial because i can't figure out how it works
Joshua Knauber
almost 6 years ago
I've been really busy in the last months, but I will definitely do a lot more tutorial content with the future updates!
almost 6 years ago
Is a great tool for texturing, but I think its still at a early stage, but for now is very promising!
about 6 years ago
Great job!
about 6 years ago
Very useful Addon thats easy to use!
Allen Lee Grippin
about 6 years ago
Great stuff! It's not a Substance replacement but could be well on it's way to doing exactly that. I can't wait to see where this goes. It looks great, so I'm giving it my 5 stars in advance. ^_^ All hail Blender 2.8!
Colin Behrens
about 6 years ago
Hey it's me from the YouTube comments, I am glad that it was so fast accepted and as I said; directly bought :)