Hardops 00987: Francium

TeamC in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 51 ratings by the community.

  • maya
    about 2 months ago

    It's a good add-on that will expand your hobby.

  • R
    6 months ago


  • Eugenii
    9 months ago

    I'll give 5 stars in advance,
    but please, allow the option not to add the auto smooth modifier after applying sharpen.

  • Christer Andersén
    12 months ago

    I got this some time ago and what a great thing that was. This together with Boxcutter is outstanding among modeling add-ons.

    • Team Csharp

      12 months ago

      I thank you for your kind review. We meet daily to ensure this tool is remaining alive. I'm glad things were optimal at the time of rating.

  • DW
    about 1 year ago

    I use this add-on heavily with everything i do. Granted; it's almost exclusively the sharpen and boolean cut tools but those alone have more than made it worthwhile for me.

  • Joe
    almost 2 years ago

    UI is a mess, documentation is a catastrophe. For instance, apparently this tool offers easy and powerful Boolean tools. Great. Looking at the docs, under Getting Started the first mention of Booleans is a very long page discussing ways to troubleshoot problems with Booleans. No mention of the actual Boolean tools and how to use them, just Boolean problems.

    Oh, no, wait, at the very end of that very long page, there's a section called "Hard Ops Boolean System." That sounds promising! It consists of two embedded YouTube videos. One is broken, the other is a 34-minute video that's 8 years old and has nothing to do with Hard Ops.

    Oh, no, wait, there's another section called "Boolean Basics." Now we're talking! This section begins by explaining what's changed since version 8 (guess what, if I'm in the Getting Started section, I haven't used version 8), and then finally explains, in mangled text, how to perform Booleans using various key combinations.

    And so it goes with each feature. Endless explanations of what's changed, what's deprecated, what kinds of problems you'll encounter — and buried in there, occasional tidbits of info about how to actually use the current tool.

    • Team Csharp

      almost 2 years ago

      Thanks you for your insight. It can be a struggle to please everyone but we try our best.

      Tip pages were based on popular user questions and issues. Boolean issues can be rather predominant due to the variability of meshes and intersection calculation.

      When it comes to up to date content that in itself can be a struggle due to the need to continue making content forever and a day to please folks. I hope the HOPS playlists and extended offerings were able to get you up to speed.


      When things stabilize the documentation will be updated once more however it would be a full time job if it was kept up to date even as work pends. I am grateful for your insight. They remind me of what can be corrected and improved with customer introductions.

      I hope the tools themselves in their functionality was up to snuff. It appeared to be the only thing not mentioned. Much pride is taken in the tool itself and ensuring it works as intended. Thank you for dropping in.

  • Saleh Afkhami
    over 2 years ago

    Thank you for this addon. this is really useful. but sometimes in some blend files addon don't work properly. I tested same curves in another file and there worked. In overll that's amazing.

  • @_@
    almost 3 years ago

    Very useful timesaving addon.

  • Patrick
    almost 3 years ago

    You just need it, it's like coffee on the morning!

  • Murdock
    over 3 years ago

    Love it

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Sales 8600+
51 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 9 years ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL