Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle
Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle
Non-destructive by nature. Destructive by choice. The ultimate hard surface suite. Only for Blender!

Non-destructive or destructive... your choice
We pride ourselves on versatility and control without UI interruption. Be the fastest you can be with just the right tool at the right time. And thanks to the power of Blender 2.8 you can work non-destructive longer and we are there for you from first click to final render.

Top Tier Support
Your journey with us doesn't end with the purchase. There is a full documentation page that is constantly being updated with user examples. Tutorials are also constantly being added to my channel so users will find no shortage of things to do

Endless Iteration And Free Updates
We never consider the first approach the final solution. We're always exploring new ways to approach things to reduce keystrokes one by one. There is always an update in the works so we're committed to making sure this tool makes it to an acceptable conclusion. We are committed to never having paid updates unless absolutely necessary. Since 2015 we have been on the same iteration. Sales will always dictate the future of the products.
About hopsCutter
Hard Ops was made to expand on the boolean workflow that booltool started. The quest to make hardsurface easier has opened the box for what could be possible. Our toolkit encompasses, boolean, non-destructive modelling, assistive helpers for working optimally and many systems extending into sculpt and grease pencil sketching. Our goal is to make Blender more accessible while also keeping close to the vision of Blender itself and what makes it great and continue to be great. Our endeavor is to provide a first class AAA experience with comprehensive learning a thriving community and extensive documentation to help you get the most out of blender and hopscutter.
We guarantee to have at least one tool or system you won't be able to live without. These reasons are why hardOps / Boxcutter are the best-selling plugins for Blender and continues to evolve with each iteration. We are committed to ensuring we are providing users the most versatility and control in blender usage and problem solving. No matter if you are a brand new 3d beginner or a hardened professional looking to save on keystrokes, our tool can offer you the workflow enhancements to make the most out of your Blender experience. Our goal is to be useful to anyone of any modelling discipline.
Banner: Chosen x Tony
Features to expect in hardOps / boxCutter:

Tools Included:

HardOps is a toolkit that encompasses more than just modelling. There are tools pertaining to rendering, mirroring and even sculpting tools. This is the core of my workflow in Blender and is recommended for anyone doing Hard Surface. We offer a variety of tools and modes intended to unobtrusively make the most of your Blender experience.

Boxcutter is only a cutter. It just cuts. But that said, our focus is to make the best cutter Blender has ever seen. The purpose of boxcutter is to cut via drawing. Boxcutter is a re-approach of the boolean workflow with concepting and speed / ease of use in mind. We aim to make boxcutter the simplest system for new users making Blender a more enjoyable, tolerable and rewarding experience. From the way we draw to the way we shade. We are obsessed with every aspect of the concept creation pipeline.
hardOps Systems
Hard Ops has tools and systems for the following modes.
- object
- edit
- sculpt
Hard Ops goes beyond meshes with the ability to adjust and interact with:
- lattices
- curves
- cameras
- empties
With only the Q button. We even keep quick prefs in the Q menu for convenience and workflow versatillity.
Hard Ops currently has but is not limited to:
- Modifier based Non-Destructive Workflow
- Menu / Pie / Npanel / Active Tool as ways to interface w/ hardOps
- Smart shapes via hopsTool for getting started with modifier modelling.
- Interactive hopsTool (advanced on-screen viewport modifier dot system)
- Non-Destructive / Destructive boolean cutting system
- Multiple Interactive Modifier popup modal w/ hotkeys for efficiency
- Simplified render N panel and popup system with efficiency for rendering
- Extensive helper systems with popups for any object selected
- Modifier sorting system optimized for continuous working without compromise
- Circular Array / Array
- Interactive Mirror / Array Gizmos
- Viewport Adjustment submenu for working acceptably
- Grease Pencil tools and Q menu
- Voxel System Integration (object / edit / sculpt)
- Sculpt mode systems for adjusting strokes and decimation on the fly
- and much more.
Alternative Workflows
hopsTool was the first active tool of hardOps added in version 983. This system's goal is to allow modifier management in the 3d view without obtrusive text to break the flow and cover the screen. All essential icons are in the topbar for convenience along with an option N panel alternative.
Below you can see it in action modelling a tire rim.
With the initial version of hopsTool users can adjust multiple levels of bevels as well as stack bevel levels for hopsSort to keep clean.
Dots can be clicked to bring up the specific modifier for fine adjustment.
Comprehensive Documentation
By popular request documentation was rewritten from the ground up for Blender 2.8. We aim to keep it updated on new features and keep users capable of getting the most out of the tools in the least amout of time.\What if I already have these products?
Any duplicate purchases will go towards further development, funding blender, hiring additional coders, and pizzas for homeless / disadvantaged CG artists. We are committed enriching the Blender community as a whole and are committed to helping our fellow artists make it in this industry.
About us and our tools
The goal of each of our tools is to provide a first class AAA experience and most importantly, continue moving forward without stopping. Over 5000 hours have been spent creating, tuning and testing the Boxcutter technology and workflow. We take pride in our frequent release schedule and continual updates. Rarely is there a bug, that once identified, isn't fixed and an update released within 24 hours or at least addressed and planned for resolution. Our versatility is finding multiple ways to solve a problem so users can experiment with finding the best method. I take the upmost pride in this product and it's quality and can attest to the dedication of the team firsthand.
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